Sugar, or sucrose, is easy to digest being a refined carbohydrate. Sucrose has loads of calories and is mainly found mixed with fats to produce yummy desserts. And here is where the problem lies. Sugar is the ingredient that makes food taste great. It can easily become the basis for our cravings and when hooked, it can interrupt attempts at healthy eating. Here is how to overcome sugar cravings.

Begin by increasing your protein intake. For most people, the bodies need for protein can suggest to the brain a need for sweets instead. To see if the sugar craving goes away, try eating proteins like eggs or steak.

Removing temptations are very important if you wish to break the habit. This would usually include a careful clean out of the fridge and any food cupboards. Get rid of any biscuits, cakes or ice cream. When shopping in the future, avoid buying anymore of the same sweet foods.

Breaking the sweet cravings could include something like going for a walk after a meal instead of opting for dessert. In a lot of cases, the cravings vanish after around ten minutes. Exercise is always good for your body and there is little chance there will be temptations available on your walk.

Don't forget to brush your teeth after each meal and use an antiseptic mouthwash too. The taste of these products combined can make you want treats less as they are not nice mixed with sweets.

Stopping the habit cold turkey has known to work best for some people. But it can take up to seven days of eating foods other than sugars and fruits. If you must consume a sweet, choose a fruit. The sugar from fruit is digested differently than regular sugar that is found in most other processed foods. The fruits fiber slows down the bodies absorption which helps avoid a sugar rush.

For a sweet treat now and then, make sure you choose quality. A smaller chocolate bar of the dark variety can satisfy a sweet craving just as well as a larger milk chocolate bar. Overall, you will be eating less in calories.

Go for lean protein or whole grain unsweetened cereals and don't forget using artificial sweeteners. It is known for some that these can cause the body to crave the real thing. For example, diet fizzy drinks may cause you to think of having dessert after a meal.

There is no doubt that getting over a sugar addiction can be hard. The above tips can help you towards your goal of overcoming sugar cravings.

Author's Bio: 

Emily Dawson is an avid health promoter, article writer and author of How To Stop Craving Sugar . For more information on exercising, diet and weight loss go to Effective Weight Loss Programs.