Request for payday loans instantly by simply fill out a payday loan form, wait for 1-2 minutes in searching our very vast network of reputed lenders for your loan request to be reviewed and receive an answer.
Requirements to Request a Payday Loan
a). Employment at a current job for 90 days or more.
b). Be of age 18 or older, and a citizen or permanent resident of the c). United States.
c). Income of at least $1,200/month after taxes.
d). A valid checking account in your name.
e). Home (or cell) and work phone numbers.
f). A valid email address.
Fast Approval and Money Transfer
Your request is received and immediately reviewed by our large number of lenders. Your lender will contact you and may require that you fax in additional information - such as a copy of your pay stub.
Need Emergency Cash Loans? We Can Help!
Cash Direct to You Once your request gets approved your cash advance loan will be transferred directly into your checking account… normally within one business day or less.
Automatic Repayment Depending on your lender, your loan fees and principal may be automatically withdrawn from your checking account on the due date. You don't need to do a thing!
Read more: Payday Loans: Money when You Need it Most
Kimmy Burgess is the Manager of Cash in a Snap, which helps clients get connected to its large network of reputed lenders to get a no fax payday cash advance when they need it. Kimmy has over 20+ years' experience in Administrative Management, with many years in the lending industry.