Will fitness coaching help you strip off body fat, gain muscle and get into amazing shape for 1/3 of the cost of a traditional personal trainer? Over the years, the more traditional road map to getting into amazing shape typically meant signing up at a fitness studio and enrolling in a few personal training sessions with the trainer at the gym. While this "old-school" approach to fitness seems to work quite well for many, it can be extremely expensive just to learn the fundamentals like, how to do certain movements correctly and how to work certain machines,not even getting into trying to get a handle on how to piece together an efficient fat loss or muscle gain workout. Fortunately there is a new solution on the internet that's putting a new twist on getting into excellent physical condition at a reasonable price - web based fitness coaching.

How Fitness Training Used To Work

With traditional personal fitness training, you pay a by the hour fee (usually somewhere in the range of $55 - $75 per hour) which covers your time with the trainer. During this hour, you can keep an eye on progress in your body through measurements like body fat measurements, plan out future workouts or hit the gym for a one - on - one workout with your trainer.

While the usual personal trainer approach does work, I can definitely see how it can get expensive very fast! With most programs requiring a lengthy commitment of at least 1 - 3 months in order to see any significant changes in your physique, you can expect to drop around $1200 just for the pleasure of visiting with your trainer 2-3 sessions a week for 2 months. Typically this cost does not even give you any sort of customized fitness program or questions outside of your scheduled PT sessions sessions.

How Online Fitness Coaching Works

With online fitness coaching, you usually get access to a qualified trainer as well as professionally designed workouts and nutrition advice for a fraction of the price of off line personal training. While you don't get to hit the gym with your personal trainer, you do get to print off customized workouts and meal templates, access exercise demonstration videos and ask any questions that you have about your nutrition plan for a reasonable price. Instead of paying per hour like you'd typically do in a traditional gym setting, you can usually ask tons of questions, have your personal trainer tweak your fitness programs and sometimes even get on the phone and call your trainer for a small monthly fee. You'll get access to your trainer 24 - 7 in order to get the help you need as you progress towards your goals without having to spend a crazy amount of money in the process. Fitness coaching is an awesome new way to get fitness and training help when you need it without having to spend tons of dollars in the process.

Is Fitness Coaching Right For You?

It's very difficult to say if fitness coaching is right for you, chances are are that if you just want access to a certified personal trainer or fitness trainer to answer your questions and create a customized training schedule for you without the hassle and expense of one-on-one training appointments, then online fitness training may be a great option.

Author's Bio: 

If you're ready to take your body to the next level, but you don't have the money to work with a traditional personal trainer, then online fitness coaching may be the answer for you. Visit www.gain-muscle-workout-less.com and find out how fitness coaching can help you build muscle mass and burn off body fat fast!