The US spends the most on health care, but ranks 49th in life expectancy. The problem is not smoking, accidents, etc. The problem is the health care system, according to researchers at Columbia University. "Smoking, obesity , etc. are major risk factors in all countries for an individual's health. (But) In the US, we have a highly inefficient health system that is taking away financial resources from lifesaving programs."

People come from all over the world to study in American medical schools. The real fault of our health care system exists in how we use that incredible knowledge. Our country has a tradition of relying on experts to solve our medical problems. To lower our health care costs and to lengthen life expectancy of Americans, each patient has to take the responsibility of playing an active role, as a partner with their doctor. In the American Journal of Medicine, it stated that the attitude a patient walks into the doctor’s office with influences the effectiveness of the treatment. Pro-active patients have the ability to better receive the treatment and articulate the problem to help the doctor with the correct course of treatment. This will result in fewer office visits and lower medical expenses.

In 1977, the Belgian chemist, Dr. Ilya Prigogine, proved that, when an organism is under stress, it will either evolve to a higher order or be defeated. When the patient struggles and plays an active role in healing, they realize that there is a demand for personal growth . They have to stop bad habits that affect their health. They have to create new ways of thinking and acting that support the healing process. The most important thing a patient has to do is develop their inner resources, so that The Wisdom of the Body becomes an active partner with their treatment. This growth will not only help them in the healing process; it can change their character and reduce recidivism.

The result of a health struggle is that it can force us to develop a better quality of life. If we don’t develop a better quality of life, our old habits that created the character that got sick could be vulnerable for more health crises. We have to look at developing the whole person as an important part of any national health program. When a person develops a positive self-image, they feel worthy of optimal health. When a person can avoid negative thinking and old negative habits, they are able to have a direct connection to The Wisdom of Their Body. When a person develops self-trust, they feel open to inner resources to help in the healing process.

In America, we have some of the most sophisticated medical care for individuals. Until we find ourselves comfortable connecting to inner resources, we will be ranked lower in health care. We have to learn how to create conscious habits , so the quality of our inner resources becomes a natural part of our character.

Marc Lerner empowers patient participation through Life Skills Institute. He wrote A Healthy Way to be Sick; go to Self-development helps the patient receive the medical treatments and is important in healing.

© Marc Lerner and Life Skills

Author's Bio: 

Marc Lerner is the President of Life Skills Institute and has been working with people in a health struggle since 1982. He is the author of A HEALTHY WAY TO BE SICK, which teaches you how to consciously create yourself in the midst of a health challenge. You can view a mini-copy of this book at: He also conducts tele-seminars that lead you through the main techniques of this book, where you will do over 20 experiential techniques on your own to support the main techniques.Marc has had MS since 1981, is legally blind and in a wheelchair. The idea of a healthy way to be sick reflects a positive spirit during difficult times. If a patient consciously approached the healing process, they would become valuable partners with their doctor. Marc has been working with people in a health crisis for decades and knows that this is a significant resource in a national health plan. Marc has developed simple techniques that transport your consciousness to powerful inner resources which can reduce medical expenses and personal anxiety.
Marc Lerner and Life Skills Institute is open to network with other people dealing with health challenges or any challenge you cannot control. Marc can adapt the Life Skills Approach to meet any challenge. Struggles have one incredible quality; if you approach them consciously, they can force you to grow.