Traumatic experiences can be a painful experience for your life. It can take a lot of time for you to process the entire event. But with the help of EMDR therapy, it will help you to work through some of the difficult feelings. So, how does EMDR therapy work? In order to understand the process in a better way, we have to turn our attention to the way memories are stored in your brain. To know more about EMDR therapy and how it works, read on.
How Does EMDR Therapy Work - What to Know
This form of therapy can be quite helpful. There are many factors that come to play when it comes to EMDR therapy. Since the human brain is quite complex in nature, it is quite hard to understand how they work. But here we will explain you the entire process in the simplest way possible.
How does this therapy work?
The traumatic memories are stored mainly in the right hemisphere of the brain
. With the EMDR therapy, it will help you to build a bridge for accessing the resources. This works by re-activating the neural networks that are associated with the traumatic event. In the initial phase of EMDR therapy, it focuses on the resource development for strengthening the neural network. The desensitization phase incorporates the dual awareness state which will help you in maintaining the awareness of the present moment experience while at the same time you recall the memories of the traumatic event.
The dual attention stimulation (DAS) is used during the phases such as pulses, tones and bi-lateral eye movement. According to the research, the EMDR therapy can successfully reduce the somatic arousal, emotional intensity and vividness that are associated with the stressful memories. There are different parts of the EMDR therapy such as:
1.DAS taxes working memory
2.Bi-lateral eye-movements can mimic the REM sleep
3.DAS rhythms can stimulate the thalamus and cerebellum
4.DAS stimulated ACC
5.DAS stimulates the orienting response
Traumatized experiences can give sleepless nights and can be really bad for mental health. Thus, it is important to ensure that you are getting the best therapy for your mental peace . This therapy is ideal for psychological foundations and you can discover mental peace and better psychology . You can recover easily from the trauma with the help of EMDR therapy.
Bottom lineHumans can experience a lot of neurological problems when they go through a dreadful situation or drama. You need to understand that this can take a toll on the mental as well as physical health of the human. Thus, you need to take the help of EMDR therapy. For this, you have to consult one of the most experienced therapists who has great expertise in this field. You need to know and understand that EMDR therapy can actually help you to get the best treatment. Mental trauma can be painful and you need to make sure that it is treated properly in the right way so that you can get over the situation. You also have to make sure that the EMDR therapist is quite experienced and have good knowledge.
This article was written by Edgar at Phoenix-Pop. Hobbyist and pro-healthy choices, fitness and lifestyle.