If you wanted to change your community for the better, how would you do it? This is a major question and it is not one that is easy to find an instant answer to. But it all begins with community awareness – an awareness of the people who are living and working all around us. Do you know what is going on in your local community or do you largely live a self contained life? It is no surprise that some people live like this, but if we want to improve our communities it makes sense that we should become a bigger part of them too.

One good way for this to happen is for local businesses to get involved in projects and ideas that can be used to develop a better future for all those involved. Businesses often get involved in corporate philanthropy projects – and there are several reasons for them to do so.

For example – and purely on a business level – this kind of activity is good for promoting the business itself. If a business can show that it is investing in local projects for the good of the community, it is a wonderful way to develop a good promotional path for the business to follow. People will sit up and be interested in how the business is doing, so they can become more interested in other aspects of the business as well.

Businesses can also give a portion of their profits to a worthwhile cause in the local area. In this way they are not just generating money for the business and its owners – they are able to make a real difference to the community at large and how people view it. Many businesses get involved in Corporate Philanthropy on a large and long term scale as well, and this is another reason why they will benefit from it. It isn’t just a one off thing.

Of course community awareness should come from all aspects of the community and not just big businesses. But there is no doubt that businesses can set a very public example that other people can follow. There is no reason why businesses should be the only ones to help their communities. But they can inspire individuals to get involved in various ways and highlight ways in which we can all make a difference.

As you can see, there are plenty of reasons why we should all think about our local communities in a more in depth way. The more we understand about where we live and what we can do to make it better, the more pleasant a place it will be to live. This applies to us all.

Author's Bio: 

The FLIP project encourages local students to become involved in communal & charitable giving in Gibraltar. Visit http://www.flip.gi for more information.