Suffering from voice disorders like sulcus vocalis, GERD (affecting the vocal cords), voice damage caused by chronic laryngitis, paralyzed vocal cords, muscle tension dysphonia, spasmodic dysphonia, and many other voice/vocal problems?

We can help!!

We can ship our natural herbal voice repair kit to you (customized to your specific voice disorder and its related symptoms). We will also enclose specific instructions on how to take those remedies to achieve the absolute best possible results catered to your personal, specific and (nevertheless) unique needs. Alongside healing your vocal anatomy, those remedies will immediately start working on strengthening your immune system - which, at this very sensitive time, is a very important variable given the recent coronavirus outbreak which is causing a global pandemic of COVID 19!

Now let us explain how those natural remedies can work for you.

You, my reader, now may ask…, “How can natural remedies aid in the restoration and improvement of the quality of the human voice?”

Since, at the present time, we are experiencing a COVID-19 outbreak, our lives became quite restricted; one of the biggest restrictions is international travel between the countries. As for us, for the last 36 years of our business (The Royans Professional Vocal School - a division fo The Royans Institute for Non-Surgical Voice Repair), we had received overall more than 25,000 students taking our speech and singing courses - as well as non-surgical voice repair clients, all of whom had suffered from various voice disorders before entering our doors.

We usually offer, especially for international students, 30 to 50-hours of our very unique instructional courses, coupled with natural herbal and some homeopathic treatments. Those natural herbal treatments are very effective for all voice problems and all vocal issues. Any person experiencing any difficulties in their speech and/or singing, trying on their own to bring that “doomed voice onto the surface”, by our experience, very rarely succeed. And unfortunately, the more they are trying (by pulling and pushing their voice in and out of their throat), the worse it gets.

Many years ago, one of our singing voice repair clients from Boston, USA, said: “Diana, I was pushing and pulling my voice (out and in) during all of our rehearsals and performances (she was a lead singer in a “Blue Grass” band) until, during our last performance in August, I knew I pushed my voice really hard for the last time…”

She came to us for not a prolonged period of time, but we were able to achieve a full recovery of her vocal anatomy via our specially-developed speech and singing exercises, along with the application of the natural herbs and remedies on her vocal anatomy. We also, as well, were able to teach her how to comply with the standards of professional singing, employing the proper application of both her speaking and singing voice. We restored and enhanced the mechanics of her voice and made it work on command and by design - in its fullest capacity possible and with no pain or strain on her vocal anatomy.

So let me, in a nutshell, explain to you, my reader, how it all works:

The herbal remedies (which we have carefully selected) are designed to heal a disturbed vocal box of the voice disorder sufferer - which had occurred due to non-proper use of their speaking and/or singing voice.

However, I have to note that those herbal remedies will mainly work symptomatically - i.e.,

They will relieve the pain in the vocal anatomy (throat, larynx, vocal cords…)

They will lubricate and oxygenate the vocal box.

They will reduce all kinds of impurities (like mucus or acid) from the vocal anatomy and even partially from one’s body.

They will help to reduce the size of growths on the vocal cords (like polyps, nodules, lesions, cysts, etc)

They will help to reduce (and, in some cases, get rid of) gastric acid - which, in many cases, negatively effects the vocal cords; and thus overall voice/vocal performance.

The above descriptions are only a few of many benefits of the effects attributed to the use of natural remedies.

That all sounds good, doesn’t it, my reader? Yes, indeed it does! But that is only one part of the equation of two parts.

Proper mechanical application of a speaking and singing voice:

The human being, while speaking or singing, represents both the “instrument” and the “player”, so to speak. The application of the herbal remedies takes care of the “instrument”…, but what about the “player”? The latter, unfortunately, will have to take place later, yet again - given the situation regarding to the nonexistence of international travel at this time. So, needless to say, if you have a healthy “instrument” and the “player” is also sound, you can then achieve what we call “the total performance”.

Yes, my reader, you’ve probably already guessed that one way or the other, if you have a voice/vocal issue, you will have to travel to us, in person, to complete the full deal of your total voice recovery.

But in the interim, heal your vocal anatomy, with our close personal guidance (if and when needed), and as an extra bonus, with your order, also enjoy our eBook titled “Vocal Science - Flight to the Universe” which will be forwarded to you as soon as your herbal order will be ready to be shipped your way.

All of the above will help you along the way towards your goal to achieve a healthy and vibrant sound voice.

Author's Bio: 

Ms. Yampolsky is one of the world's foremost specialists on the topic of the human voice and is the creator of Vocal Science(TM), a unique and truly revolutionary accelerated vocal development technique. It is a holistic and scientific approach to voice mechanics that enables all singers and speakers to reach their full potential in an extremely short period of time. Based in Ontario, Canada, Diana works with a worldwide spectrum of clientele as a Vocal Coach/Consultant, In-Studio Vocal Production Expert, and Non-Surgical Voice Repair Specialist.

If you feel that you, or a loved one, is suffering from such voice disorders like Spasmodic Dysphonia, contact us: | 416-857-8741