Do you feel that your life is abundant or are you feeling deprived and unfulfilled? Do look forward to what your day will bring or are you dreading getting out of bed in the morning? Have you experienced what a truly abundant life is?

Many people today have been living in a space of surviving and not thriving. Each day they get up and hit the grindstone, working on everything that needs to be done; and then fall in bed only to do it over and over again. I see so many going through the motions, drained and burned out; and not taking the time to really enjoy their life.

There is no doubt that it is easy to fall into the heavy spaces where we are just existing and not actually living. Life feels robotic and unfulfilling. We know there is something more; but maybe aren’t certain just how to get there.

Now there are many things that can put us into these heavy spaces from not being accountable, dreading that the worst will happen, being worried about how to take care of things like putting food on the table or paying the bills. However, that can only lock us into a spiral that perpetuates more of that. It puts us in a space where eventually it can even become hard to imagine that any sort of abundance is possible.

The good news is that we don’t have to be in those spaces. As hard as that can be to believe at times; we have the potential to open to a fully and truly abundant life. Now the challenge for many is creating the energy for that to happen when they already feel drained out.

For many, they automatically assume that this abundance has to start in the form of money; for without that they cannot enjoy life or make the shifts they want to make. However, often times money is the result of living abundantly. That may seem a bit odd to some; but being abundant is not tied to our financial status as many have been programmed to believe.

This doesn’t mean that we go out and live beyond our means and the money will suddenly appear. Nor does it mean that sitting around and focusing on money will get it delivered to our door. However, abundance comes in multiple forms; and because it is an energy vibration and frequency it will respond to our emotions or feelings. So, yes, when we feel abundant the money will follow.

Johnna Andrea Tuttle is one person that helps people live abundantly. She helps people to open the doors to feeling vibrant, healthy, happy, and creating a lifestyle that they can really enjoy. She reminds people that an abundance of spirit and connection with spirit or the divine can lead us to rich and fulfilling lives that we love.

I love this focus; because I know for myself, every time that I am focus on the abundant flow of love and happiness and joy and peace that comes from being connected everything comes much more naturally and easily into my life. I know that when I tap into my own abundant nature that all the earthly abundance responds to that. When I overflow with joy, I receive more to be joyful about.

How are you living abundantly? Are you focusing on abundance or earthly possessions to create from? What things do you do to allow in the energy of abundance and fulfillment into your life?

Jesse Ann Nichols George

Code Interpretor

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Don’t forget to catch me on my radio show - Code Connection - part of the Main Street Universe Group on BlogTalk Radio.

Airs Friday at:4:30pm - 6:30pm EST, 3:30pm - 5:30pm CST, 2:30pm - 4:30pm MST, 1:30pm - 3:30pm PST–abundant-living-with-johnna-andrea-tuttle

The show will also be in the archives at this same link if you miss the live show

Author's Bio: 

Jesse Ann Nichols George is the author of 4 books, which are founded on the principles of compassion, and how to use it to bring joy to all areas of life; as well as to open to living your passion and manifesting a life of joy and fulfillment. In addition she is a collaborator on “Embraced by the Divine: The Emerging Woman’s Gateway To Power, Passion, and Purpose”. She created of The Genesis Clearing Statement and The Compassion Tour. Jesse is a Code Interpretor with over 33 years of experience working with clients and assisting others with their life processes and helping them to work with their best influences and to strongly connect with Divine Flow. She is a 13th+ generation spiritual healer, energy tuner, life/relationship/spiritual and wellness coach, holistic and natural lifestyle advisor. She is also a 13th+ generation Druidic practitioner; honoring and appreciating the harmony of all things. Her work encompasses practices from Eastern and Western philosophies. Jesse is a speaker and also hosts her own radio show. You can learn more about the work that she is doing at