Any image conscious person understands that dull looking hair negatively affects his personality. In addition, it is well known that hair is an important part of an individual's appearance because it is the most gorgeous and alluring part of the personality and having perfectly shining hair is quite easier with the effective home remedies for shiny hair.

Today the financial situation of every person is quite tight, and rushing to a salon for hair treatment is very expensive these days. In addition, many hair care product manufacturing companies only shows the brighter side of the products, and cleverly cover the bad affects of their product. Moreover, in such condition when anyone is unable to decide the right hair care product can use and experience the miraculous effects of the home remedies for shiny hair.

There are many causes due to which hair loses its shine. Firstly, the most common cause is malnutrition. Moreover, the lack of important vitamins and minerals badly affects the whole body, and it may lead to many problems, for instance hair problems. Secondly, environment is another cause for shine-less hair. Furthermore, polluted environment negatively affects the body, and living in such environment for longer time periods may damage hair. Thirdly, swimming is indeed a very good exercise for body but, chlorinated water of swimming pool damages the hair, and hair loses its natural shine. Fourthly, improper use of hair care products, or using hair care products that contains harsh chemicals may damage the hair but, home remedies for shiny hair are free from any harsh chemicals and many people have experienced the effectiveness of these remedies. Some of the most effective homemade remedies are mentioned that may help you to enjoy those shining, bouncy hair again.

1. In a bowl, beat eggs with mayonnaise. Apply the mixture throughout hair, and cover head with a shower cap. Leave the mixture to work for 20 minutes and, shampoo and condition as usual.

2. Massage scalp with flat beer, and leave it for 30 minutes. Afterwards, thoroughly rinse hair with shampoo. It is one of the best home remedies for shiny hair.

3. Mix 3 teaspoons of honey with a pint of water. Apply this mixture on your scalp, and leave it for 30 minutes. Afterwards, shampoo and condition normally.

4. One of the simplest home remedies for shiny hair is to massage scalp with lukewarm olive oil.

5. Mix one-fourth cup of apple cider vinegar in 1 gallon of condensed water. After shampooing, rinse the hair with this mixture, and leave it for couple of minutes. Afterwards, rinse thoroughly with cold water.

6. Boil some parsley sprigs in water for 15 minutes. Let the infusion cool. Pour this infusion after shampooing.

In conclusion, the home remedies for shiny hair are indeed useful but, for long lasting effect it is very important to continue to take care of the hair. It is recommended to avoid too much heat on hair while using hair dryer. In addition, it is also important that a person eat various kinds of foods so that the body can fulfill its requirement of essential nutrients. Moreover, use shower cap while swimming to avoid contact of chlorinated water with hair. Finally, personal care is necessary along with home remedies for shiny hair to enjoy luxury of healthy and shining hair.

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Read more useful Home Remedies for Shiny Hair . Also know useful Home Remedies for Menopause .