Many people insure their properties. Over the world many insurance companies are working for insurance. In many countries insurance companies are running very good business specially, in the developed countries. But insurance companies business is not very good in the undeveloped and underdeveloped countries. However, business of insurance policies is rising day by day in the underdeveloped countries. The main reason behind that is poor people do not want to invest money for their safety of property rather they want to invest money for interest. But in the developed countries people want mental peace and safety of his properties. Insurance business was introduced many years ago. In that time people only used to insure their ships; that means only merchants wanted their property safety. Life insurance , health insurance , homeowners insurance , etc. was not available in that time.

Later on, in this modern age anyone can insure anything under conditions given by the insurance companies. People can insure their home by homeowners insurance policy, their health by health policy, vehicles by auto policy, etc. people thought that if they invest money for their properties they will not need to think about its safety because if anything bad happens to that property the insurance company will pay for that. Actually insurances like homeowners insurance is not very profitable for insurance companies in some regions which are highly affected by natural calamities because many houses are destroyed every month. So, insurance companies are not interested to run their business in those regions. But people in these regions are very much interested in insurance policies like homeowners insurance because almost in all cases they are profited.

Insurance companies calculate their risks in every region separately and ask money from their clients according to their calculation. Insurance companies can be destroyed if any natural hazard attacks a region and people of that region have homeowners insurance because thousands of houses can be destroyed by a single hazard. And insurance companies are not popular in all countries specially, in the poor countries and Muslim countries. Though insurance companies running their business very well in some countries but those countries are developed countries. Rich people have enough money in their hands for having insurance policies like homeowners insurance, health insurance, life insurance, etc.

Actually the main idea of insurance policy is not so legal. Because actually this is gambling in which someone is always cheated. This is a reason why many people do not like insurance policies and insurance companies. In United Kingdom, in Europe and in the Americas people very much like insurance companies and they insure their properties. Insurance companies have many kinds of insurance policies for different regions because risks in all regions are not the same so they calculate differently for each region and each country. This is a reason insurance companies are not found in place which is highly risky of natural calamities like hurricane, flood, etc. People should know that no one wants to do their good for nothing. Insurance companies do it for their good. So, they should be careful before making any insurance policy.

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