Jennifer had tried just about everything to lose weight, from fad diets to popular diet food delivery options and attempting to increase her daily exercise . The problem was that Jennifer was also diabetic and diagnosed with metabolic acidosis. When she exercised, her body attempted to compensate by increasing her breath rate higher than normal, leading to hyperventilation.

Nearly at her wit's end to find a safe way toward health and wellness and not able to qualify for insurance coverage for bariatric surgery, Jennifer sought other options. A friend of hers had recently taken a trip to Turkey for elective aesthetic surgery not covered by her insurance and had come home raving enthusiastically about her experience. She encouraged Jennifer to also take the plunge.

Her friend recommended that Jennifer access one of the largest growing resources and information websites for international medical tourism. PlacidWay is a leader in offering transparent pricing information, detailed descriptions for thousands of medical and dental procedures and facility options for patients.

About Obesity Free and Dr. Gabriel RosalesJennifer did, and was pleased to find a wealth of information on different types of weight loss surgeries, as well as qualified and certified facilities around the globe that she could choose from. She ultimately settled on Dr. Gabriel Rosales from the Obesity Free clinic in Mexico.

Dr. Rosales focuses on treating obesity and therefore also leading patients to cure, prevent or at least control metabolic and chronic disorders such as diabetes, high cholesterol, hypertension, sleep apnea, etc,. Jennifer read about Dr. Rosales and was impressed by his qualifications as a graduate from Universidad de Monterrrey School of Medicine (which is SACS Accredited) and Specialty in General Surgery and Advanced Laparoscopy in Christus Muguerza High Specialty Hospital (JCI Accredited) and the fact that he is a Board Certified Surgeon and belongs not only to the Mexican Association of Endoscopic Surgery but is also to the SAGES (Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons).

Losing Weight and Improving Metabolic Conditions
Well, Jennifer obtained a sleeve gastrectomy procedure and went home with high hopes. Six months later, she's proud of her 50-pound weight loss and still counting, and even happier with her doctor's somewhat amazed announcement that her blood sugar levels were consistently lower than before she had the surgery. Her metabolic acidosis condition was also steadily improving.

Actually, Dr. Rosales knew this was likely. After all, sleeve gastrectomy procedures have shown remarkable results in reducing and sometimes even reversing chronic metabolic conditions like diabetes. Some obesity surgery patients have experienced full remission of diabetes and other weight-related conditions such as high blood pressure.

One of the most effective obesity surgeries in treating metabolic disorders, as Dr. Rosales has discovered, is vertical sleeve gastrectomy, also known as VSG. It's less invasive, doesn't involve the placement of any foreign device in the body and doesn't re-route intestinal tracts.

"I was pleased that I didn't have to worry about "dumping" and constantly measuring my vitamin and mineral levels, which is often the case with other forms of bariatric surgery," says Jennifer. "Best of all, my sleeve gastrectomy procedure involved the removal of only a portion of my stomach responsible for the production of the "hungry" hormone called ghrelin." The overwhelming urges to eat have disappeared, allowing Jennifer to devote more of her attention to getting healthy and continuing on her weight loss journey. is a health and wellness tourism company, combining affordable healthcare with exotic travel options. is designed for those who place a premium on their quality of life. Whether you have a physiological need requiring medical attention, a social motivation to change the way you look, or an inherent desire to seek self actualization through organic, holistic, and healthy healthcare options, provides enormous options. At, you are presented with the very best providers of health and wellness, from around the world. The choice is entirely yours! You are given a complete freedom to choose your own treatment at a medical center, and in a country of your choice. If you need to visit this hospital then feel free here: 1.303.578.0719 or

Author's Bio: 

Dr. Alejandro Aguirre Wallace , a well experienced Bariatric Surgeon in Mexico, performs a variety of obesity weight loss surgery to aid long-term weight loss treatments. Dr. Alejandro Aguirre Wallace always performs the, Bariatric Surgery , with stomach separation.