Intelligence of Heart –III/III HEART RULES…

A couple of days ago I had an important official meeting to attend. I had planned very well to reach before time for the said one. But due to some urgent personal requirement I was delayed , but I knew I could be on time if I drove fast. There was a junction on way which was labeled as the busiest in my state. Luckily for me the signal light was green and I had a few seconds left when my car approached the signal. But the man ahead of me had stopped his vehicle in the mid of the path and was showing the stop signal. The co passenger along with him was also doing the same. What this idiot is doing. Signal light is green and he can cross, Don’t he have brains. I asked myself, But had no option but to yield. I stopped my vehicle close to his and was surprised to find the reason soon. A puppy was crossing the junction. In a moment all my anger in mind went away, I looked at the opposite driver. He was smiling at me. I too did. In a moment he had taught me one of the best lessons in my life. When I looked back through my rear view mirror I could find the puppy wagging with its little tail in a sense of gratitude at my vehicle. No it should have been to the other person. I told myself.
I stopped my vehicle a few meters after I got the signal, to what happened a few seconds before. Had my brains stopped functioning? Signal was green and it was common sense that I could proceed, but No, I had stopped, It was not a green signal for me. Something else took over my brains. When I reached my office I could find my boss and my colleagues waiting for me for the meeting to start. Was the puppy telling me the same thing. I just thought myself.
A case of an ethical dilemma.
Can the previous incident happened can be billed as a case of ethical dilemma. When you are legally alright but morally wrong. I thought of the driver who had stopped the vehicle ahead of mine. He could had proceeded with his vehicle without doing any harm to the puppy as the signal light was green and he had enough time. But that alone did not ensure the safety of the puppy. Its life was in danger, as it had a very good chance of being run over by other vehicles. He had to act responsibly. Now will that constitute a case of ethical dilemma. He could but he did not. Had he a choice. I will say no, as you don’t have an option here. You should stop. Its not binary. Intelligence of heart or the so called Wisdom of Heart (WoH) people don’t come across instances of ethical dilemma. In such instances heart takes over head. They don’t have a choice.
An important trait.
In the previous sections we have listed the observable traits of WoH people to 12. But here we will take a look at the most important trait of such people. In the incidents all which were previously mentioned in none of the cases we find them to be ruled by brain nor intelligence of brain acting. It was something else that stood apart which made them act. In short it can be said for such people heart rules the head.
I have also got an instance which happened recently which is worth sharing. I had boarded a bus from a station nearby. A gentleman who was dressed up like a top class executive (By my country’s standard) had come and occupied the seat adjoining mine. A beggar woman with her child was inside the bus with her child asking for alms from the passengers. The bus was about to leave. The woman had to rush out, and in doing so the cap on her child s head fell down. The gentleman sitting next to me saw this and said this to a co passenger who was seated next to the exit, he just signaled him don’t worry such things happen. The man didn’t think again. He got up from his seat called the woman, asked the driver to stop the vehicle ( and the driver had no choice but to stop) , took the cap and placed it on the child’s head and just patted his cheek and told you look much better, after which the lady left the bus, and after getting down from the bus the child waved to his new friend.
He came and seated next to me , I just acquainted with him. He told me that he was a top ranking official of a major telecom company, his car broke down and since he knows the area he took the bus. But by that act he showed to all of us that it was not brains alone that matters , something else that we all share in common. Lesson of a lifetime.

The tri parties
We can say of we humans as a constituent of three elements. The Heart , Brain ( Both of them together constituting of the mind or soul or whatever we may call) and then the energy given to them which is faith . Heart is the main symptom of life as all living things share it, and brain is what which differentiates we intelligent beings from the rest. Now faith can be told as an energy which channelizes them both. Swami Vivekananda the Indian guru had told it centuries ago faith in you and faith in the one above are the ingredients for success. He has also told these golden words “In a conflict between heart and brain follow your heart”. The power of the heart over head is not a new thing, its an age old thing .

A Scientific explanation
From my childhood I have been taught that God is my heavenly father who loves me and takes care of me . I still believe so and will also. But the issue was ,whenever I wanted to give a scientific explanation of the same I had failed. Because I could not speak the language of faith to them. They would be looking at something which their brains could understand. The holy Bible defined God as equal to love . and love is a universal thing which all living things with heart share. Brains is something which we alone intelligent beings have and that keeps us apart from others. And faith is the channel through which we connect ourselves to the divine. In other instance it tells that God is within us. So it should be something within us, rather than searching for something else. So how can you scientifically explain the concept? I can say that God is a combination of these three factors i.e. Heart, brain and faith. Heart can be connected with the emotion of love and The Bible teaches us God is love. Brain can be associated with his eternal knowledge. The knowledge which holds this universe together. It can be said that knowledge and love are two poles. Forces that are conflicting. Faith which is the channeling one for these two extremes. God can be scientifically explained as a combination of the factors of heart, Brain and faith.
It won’t be astonishing to say that the elements that constitute of God according to what can be understood by humans will be of the three components viz Heart, Brain and Faith . Heart resembles the universal component of love, which he has imparted to an extend to all living things on this planet. Brain which he has given to us to humans only , His knowledge and wisdom often called infinite intelligence. It has been often asked many times on the difference between knowledge and wisdom. Knowledge what we say is a function of the brain whereas wisdom (What is actually needed) is a function of both heart and brain. In the example cited at the beginning it was my knowledge or my brains which told me that the signal is green and you can proceed, Whereas my heart interfered and told me NO its not a green signal it’s a red one for you. You will have to stop. There is no choice. Wisdom overtaking knowledge. Then the last element of faith. Faith is the lubricant that coordinates them all i.e. Heart and Brain. The word impossible is made possible by this element. The gospel itself underlines that “He replied, "Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” (Matthew 17:20) The power of faith. And note the last sentence. Changing Impossibility to possibility. God has taught us what makes it possible. It’s the faith of him that had made all things possible, The brain of him that had made this universe and the heart, the universal element of love. God can be described scientifically as consisting of three elements i.e. Heart, Brain and Faith . These three elements in unison form God. In short it can be diagrammatically as in a Venn diagram when the intersection of these three elements forms God. Humans lie beyond the elements (In the shadow portion) as the intensity of these elements is very less for us. It can be said that God is a combination of these three elements acting in full force.

A Biblical Connection.

(Before I start this part I want to tell you that I am no one to explain what is said in the Bible, which is the word of God. But with my limited knowledge and understanding I am trying to draw comparison between the concepts explained by me and what is said in the Bible. I also, am not sure that whatever I am trying to say is true)

We begin with the most beautiful chapter in the Bible, St Paul’s Ist letter to the Corinthians Chapter 13. It is the most beautiful one because it speaks of Love, giving an explanation to the various facets of love. It goes on to explain that among the three emotions of faith , Hope and love , Love remains the most important. Now we can draw comparison with our topic. Faith has already been discussed as one element. Now to hope. Hope is something associated with brain, only we humans hope for… for a better future… for a better tomorrow. Hope is something that has been instilled in us for survival. Now to love, the universal language. Love is something we share with our fellow beings who in turn shows us too that feeling too. So we can rethink of the said three elements as of Faith , Brain and Heart. All three are important in life , but heart rules…

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. 1 Corinthians 13:13

The author, Jacob George is from India. He has written this article based on his observations and experiences. He would like to hear your opinions/feedback on the article. He can be reached at

Author's Bio: 

The author, Jacob George is from India. He has written this article based on his observations and experiences. He would like to hear your opinions/feedback on the article. He can be reached at