Over the last 10 days or so, I have been in Spain, partly catching some bright, sometimes hot sunshine, but also doing a lot of work on the expansion of my healing practice to specialise in the treatment of ME. I have been writing about my experience of the condition a lot in the copy for my new website. And it has been in my mind a lot, in a way it hasn't been recently.
So, this has prompted me to write some articles about some of the subjects that have been in my mind, and the first of these is how important it is with this condition to receive an ME diagnosis,
I remember for me it felt as though being ill happened from one day to the next. I had a full and to me interesting life - and then suddenly, I had a virus and never recovered my energy. I went from being able to walk long distances in high mountains to being unable to go out for a short walk.
I was confused, disoriented and really distressed. I didn't know where to turn. I was lucky in that I was at university - and this illness is common for students - so I had some idea what might be happening to me, at least at an intellectual level. I was also fortunate to be already aware of alternative medicine , particularly homeopathy - and my lovely homeopath gave me a lot of emotional support during those early days.
But what about conventional medicine? I went to the doctor after about 3 weeks, and received a diagnosis of "post viral fatigue" which is often the forerunner to an ME diagnosis. And sure enough, I think after a few months, my doctor gave me an ME diagnosis.
I remember at the time there was something about this ME diagnosis that was really affirming to me. It felt as though I had in some way been "validated." and understood.
The early stages of an illness like ME can be really frightening. I think we just get used to relying on our bodies, assuming that they will always be able to do everything we would like them to - until the moment when something happens.....
I think a recognition from an established authority like a medical doctor can make us feel like we are not going mad, that the strange sensations in our body and mind, and our lack of control and feelings of helplessness are not in our mind. And this is what the ME diagnosis did for me at the time.
I know I was comparatively lucky to receive this diagnosis early on. A lot of people can struggle to get an ME diagnosis, for different reasons, and this can add to the feelings of helplessness, lack of control and extreme fear. Also, some people can feel like they are not being believed by the medical establishment, that the fatigue and other symptoms are "in their mind".
It reminds me of the first time I ever heard of ME - and it was pejoratively called "yuppie flu", and the implication was that it was "all in the mind." Although we have obviously moved on from this extreme attitude , not receiving any kind of diagnosis from the medical establishment can make people wonder if others think they are making everything up.
This article then has looked at how a diagnosis like an ME diagnosis can be beneficial and validating at the beginning of a chronic condition. My next blog post will consider how in my opinion this can change once the condition has continued for a while.
If you're reading this article, and you have received an ME diagnosis, or you feel you may be suffering from this debilitating condition, then there is much more information on my website.
Fiona Cutts is an energy healer who specialises in working with clients suffering from ME. You can see more about her work with people struggling with this debilitating condition at http://fionacuttsenergyhealing.co.uk/MEenergyhealing.php . She has herself recovered from ME using a combination of energy healing, the Emotional Freedom Technique, nutrition, graduated exercise, meditation, chi kung and dance. She is an Integrated Energy Healing, in the tradition of Barbara Brennan, an Advanced Emotional Freedom Technique Practitioner and a reiki practitioner. You can read more about her and the way she works at her website http://www.fionacuttsenergyhealing.co.uk .