The Advantages of Creativity

1. Creativity will change your life completely. Creativity helps you to change the old things in your life by introducing new methods, ideas, or products. You will benefit from the privileges and outcomes of your ideas. This will make you competitive and you will learn how to win at all costs. Youwill learn the need to achieve in everything you do. You will learn the need to be first and not second or third. Creativity will make you a hard worker. You must be creative because it will make you a hard worker and a strong leader who has his own goals. Creativity will boost your confidence as you achieve greater and greater results. Creativity will cause you to develop in practical wisdom and common sense. You must be creative because you will learn a lot of common sense and good judgment.

2. Creativity will make you into a truly successful person. You must be creative because it will make you successful in spite of your age, sex or educational level. "During thel 950s, 60s and 70s the large majority of people starting companies were in their 30s and 40s. Not true during the 1980s or today, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak were both in their early 20s when they started apple computer.At the other extreme Ray Kroc was 59 when he started the McDonalds' restaurant chain." Until recently, entrepreneurship was considered by many to be an all male affair. This is no longer true as more businesses are now being started by women than are being started by men. Knowledge and skill are very important.

However, how you acquire your skills and knowledge is less important. In some cases, university degrees have been known to be a handicap rather than an asset. One researcher suggested recently that one of the biggest handicaps you can have when you start a business is a PhD. For example, Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft left Harvard after his second year.

3. Work is often what one is forced to do. Creative people do things because they love doing them. Creative people do not work primarily to enjoy the pleasures of the rich. Getting to execute his ideas is what satisfies him. For a true entrepreneur , work is not a means to an end. It is an end in itself. The process is as rewarding to him as is the end product. Because an entrepreneur is consumed by his desire to work hard, he gets really no time to engage in trivialities of everyday life.

4. Creativity will allow you to be in control of your life. The best thing about a creative person is that he creates his own life and is in absolute control of his life. He does not have to report to anybody. He can take a vacation any time he feels he needs one. He gets to decide what can happen in his venture. Best of all, nobody can fire him. It is great to be your own boss and to create your own destiny.

5. Creativity will allow you to experience real success. Very few get to experience real success. Creative people accept the challenges, work hard to overcome them and when victory results, they savour the moment. Even when they fail in the beginning, they do not give up.

Author's Bio: 

Bishop Dag Heward-Mills, singularly forged by the fire of the Word of God, has his eyes burning with a vision for the Body of Christ that shall impact the entire world. He is a dynamic apostle, evangelist, pastor, teacher, and prophet. His teachings and books show God's power and truth working in his life and the lives of others.He has a peculiar ability to motivate people to do the work of the ministry. The purpose of the ministry of Bishop Dag Heward-Mills is to fulfill the great commission of Jesus Christ by taking the message of salvation to all peoples of the world.