Happy New Year! Regardless of how it went for you, 2017 is gone. There were challenges that faced many of us, and even some that tried to suck our souls like a newly purchased Roomba. However, in spite of the attempts, we're still here.

There's something about adversity. It mobilizes the human spirit.

In the good times and bad, do remember, you're a gift to the world. Your presence is more important than you know. For the highly successful, this is a sentiment which informs accomplishments. Take the rough soil, water it, give it sunlight and love... watch something grow. If nothing happens for a time - a long time, do not give up. Try a new spot to plant your seeds.

You're here. There's a reason for that. Many do not make it this far. Go forth and prosper. For the faithful, I say: There are no mistakes in God. And to all: You are here. Get up and try something different this time. If you want more love, be more loving. If people get you down, be a better person to others - strangers, and FORGIVE. If you want more abundance for 2018, give more to charities and others in need.

We cannot expect what we are unwilling to give.

You are here. That is a gift. And, I am grateful for you.

Healthy and happy 2018 to you and yours. And, above all, take care of yourself and each other.

Author's Bio: 

Daydree Horner is Speaker, Good Love Coach, Reiki Master/Teacher and Certified Life Coach at MyOshun. Her goal is to help clients create the ideal environment for personal transformation to occur, where they envision and can manifest the life they truly desire. Her business offers services that help mindfully assist the individual in accessing their own healing, success, transformation and ultimate joy. MyOshun offers Reiki, Couples Reiki, Certified Life Coaching, The Good Love™ Coaching, and à la carte Dating Services such as, Virtual Love Assistant and Goddess Party. Daydree's warm, enthusiastic and focused approach helps clients disarm fear, access their gold within and connect to inner joy. Daydree Horner practices in Santa Monica, CA.