
According to Handy , repairing a fence can be a tricky job as a lot depends on your skills, the extent of damage to the fence, and the fencing material. Some jobs may only require you to replace fence parts, brace a few sagging posts, and straighten a leaning fence. For other issues, you must have intermediate carpentry skills. Here are a few tips you may following when you have to repair your fence:

Tips & Tricks

  1. For fixing minor wood damage on fences- It is important to fix knot holes and cracks on wood to prevent the damage on the fence from getting worse. To get started, wipe the sawdust and debris left on the inner parts of the hole or crevice once they have been properly sanded using coarse sandpaper. Using coarse sandpaper is better to add some roughness to the wood surface which is important to allow the putty to stick to the hole better.

Fill the hole with wood putty using a putty knife. Make sure to spread it a little around the crack or the hole. Leave it alone to dry for about twelve to twenty-four hours and then even out the surface using medium-grit sandpaper. To make the area less noticeable, additional repainting or staining may be required.

  1. For cleaning fences- For wooden fences, use fiber brush and mild brush to clean the fences. It allows you to maintain good aesthetics and discover any flaws early to prevent major repair costs. For PVC and vinyl fences, it is ideal to use a soft cloth and sodium bicarbonate. Never use bleach to clean plastic or vinyl fences as it can leave nasty stains. For metal fences, a tough wire brush can be used to scrub the dirt and rust. Alternatively, a pressure washer can be used to clean crevices and hard-to-reach areas.
  2. For reinforcing posts- A fence may sag or become unstable over time due to its weight. So. it’s crucial to reinforce them from time to time. Rotting wooden fences may be fixed by replacing the concrete footing and using timber for bracing it. You may use a chisel or sledgehammer to break the concrete footing after it is properly dug. Then, use a plumb to reposition the temporary bracing and keep it in an upright position. Pour in new concrete footing around it and wait for forty-eight hours before removing the bracing to allow it to dry properly.
  3. For replacing damaged boards- Use a crowbar to replace rotting panels on wood fences; make sure to not damage the surrounding boards. New replacement boards are available in hardware stores which you can purchase after taking the proper measurements. Use a good nail gun or hammer to secure the new boards in place.


Handy believes that you should call a professional if you witness extensive structural damage on your fence. It is better to let the experts handle the difficult issues to not waste time and make the matter worse.

Author's Bio: 

James Bay writes articles, which, considering where you’re reading this, makes perfect sense. He’s best known for writing Business, social issues, including the PATCH best author and writer.