Teaching his disciples how to pray to God, God's beloved Son, Jesus Christ, began the model prayer with, "Our Father who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name." (Matthew 6:9, American Standard Version)
When we pray "Hallowed be thy name," we are seeking sanctification and glory for God's name.
Putting this at the start of his model prayer, Jesus indicated that our first priority in life should be glorifying God's name.
But in order to glorify God's name, we first need to know what it is. The Old Testament (Hebrew Scriptures) tells us God's personal name nearly seven thousand times. His holy name is Jehovah, from Yahweh (YHWH), which means "He Chooses to Become" or "He Who Causes to Be." What a perfect name for this Awesome Creator! Truly, no other could rightfully own this name.
Now that we know God's name, we must keep it strictly holy and sacred. In Exodus 20:7, Jehovah tells us: "Thou shalt not take the name of Jehovah thy God in vain; for Jehovah will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain."
We take Jehovah's name in vain when we use His name or "God" in meaningless ways, such as saying, "God bless you" when people sneeze, exclaiming "Oh, my God!" as an interjection, and cursing, "God d*** it." We also take His name in vain when 1) we do something bad and say God told us to do it, 2) blame Him for our problems, 3) do anything sinful in His name, 4) joke about Him, His name, His nature, and His plans and purposes; and 5) when we do not honor Him for who He is.
Therefore, God's name means more than simply a label. His name signifies His nature, His essence, His complete and absolute glory.
Hence, when we sanctify God's name, we are sanctifying more than a name--we are sanctifying Jehovah Himself.
But how do we glorify God's name? Is saying, "Oh, God, let your name be sanctified" all we need to do? No, that is not enough.
How can we truly glorify His name?
Before we discover the ways we can glorify Jehovah, let us define "glorify" first.
"Glorify" means to praise, honor, exalt, extol, and to show respect. To glorify God is to show our highest devotion to Him, to hold Him in the highest place in our hearts. It is worshipping our very Life-Giver. In essence, glorifying Jehovah is loving Jehovah; it all boils down to true love.
As you can imagine, we have countless ways to glorify Jehovah. Paul, one of the greatest apostles of Jesus Christ, said, "Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God." (1 Corinthians 10:31, ASV)
How do I personally glorify Jehovah?
When I'm able to overcome my blindness and multiple physical disabilities, I glorify God. When I'm able to recognize all of the blessings Jehovah has graciously bestowed upon me, I glorify Him. When I put all my dreams , hope, and faith in Him, I glorify Him. When I learn about Him, I glorify Him. When I spread His Word, I glorify Him. Simply put, all my works are to glorify God, just as all of Jesus Christ's works are to glorify God. But I don't do all this on my own--Jehovah helps me with everything.
How about you? How do you personally glorify Jehovah?
Below are some of the ways people glorify Jehovah. When these ways are combined and done daily, they become a natural part of living, and glorifying Jehovah should be just that: the natural part of your life, like eating and drinking and breathing. Otherwise, when it's not done from the heart, without love, it profits nothing: "...if I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and if I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it profiteth me nothing." (1 Corinthians 13:3)
Glorifying God by Acknowledging and Using His Name
"I glorify Jehovah by using His name. The first thing we want to know about a person that becomes our friend is their name. We give affectionate names to our cars and boats and land and pets. Surely, we want to call our Creator by His name. And He wants us to know His name or He wouldn't have had it recorded 7,000 times in the original Scriptures. A relationship with a nameless person is impersonal." -Candy Turner, Kingdom Proclaimer, http://www.candyturner.cieaura.com
Through Loving God and Others
"I glorify Jehovah by obeying His Greatest Commandment--The Law of Love. Matthew 22:36-40: 'Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the law?' Jesus replied, 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.' I have a deepening love affair with Jehovah. I love my neighbor as myself. Loving myself gives me the ability to love my neighbor." -Shirley W. Mitchell, National Author/Writer/Syndicated Columnist/Speaker, Celebrity Radio Talk Show Host, http://www.agingoutsidethebox.net
"First That I walk in obedience to His command. Love Him with all of my heart, soul. love my neighbor as myself. Secondly, My relationship with my wife and children, that they may see His character evident in my life, as a husband and Father." -Rev. Efren R. Godinez, Minister, Speaker
"When I reflect on how I personally glorify God I think of what touches the heart of God. I believe people are the heart of God--after all, He sacrificed His Son for people. I try, therefore, to make a conscious effort to see others as I believe God sees them--through eyes of love. I find when I view others this way, I treat them in a manner that glorifies Him." -Ann Williams, Director of Operations, Appalachia Mission of Hope, http://www.amohonline.org
By Following God's Commandments
"I personally glorify God by doing all the things that He asks me to do. I follow the commandments! I do the right thing instead of the wrong thing because God is always watching me. I tell people about Him and all the good things He does for me like my toys and my mommy and daddy! If other people know about how awesome God is they will want to do good, too, and people won't be poor or hungry. My teacher says that we give God glory by praising Him. We also know that hallelujah is the highest praise so I glorify God when I say hallelujah-some people think that's a funny word, not me." -Akcire, 6-year-old Christian school 1st grader
Through Developing a Relationship with God
"I glorify God by making sure I spend time with Him every day. I follow a Bible reading plan that gives me a passage of God's Word to read each day. I read it in the morning and then refer to it again throughout the day. I ask myself, "Now why is this the message God has for me today? What is He trying to teach me?" The answer is not always clear right away, but I enjoy the process of discovery!" -Melanie Jongsma, Wordsmith, Lifelines Publishing - helping you share your story, http://www.lifelinespublishing.net and http://melaniejongsma.wordpress.com
"I once thought the only way to really glorify God was to attend Bible College and become a minister, which I did right out of high school. However, after becoming a military wife and mother, I found that the most glorifying moments are when there is no audience. I glorify God when I give my husband and children my undivided attention, and when I soak in His presence alone on my keyboards." -Gina Parris, Speaker and Coach, http://www.BuiltToWinCoaching.com
By Treating Others Like Children of God
"The most important way is to treat everyone as a child of God and worthy of respect and attention. In working with the unemployed (helping them look into alternative health insurance to COBRA), people need to know that they are important and cared for. I try to demonstrate this in how I respond: I am honest, and give 100%." -Robert Slayton, CITRMS, CDHC, President, Robert Slayton Associates Insurance, http://www.robertslayton.com
Through Personal Accountability
"According to Romans 12:2, we are to be transformed by the renewing of our minds rather than be conformed to the pattern of this world. I evaluate every thought, word, and deed I do against the standard of Scripture. On a daily basis, I review 'Did I glorify God in every aspect of my life today?' Weekly, I answer eight accountability questions with men I trust, respect, and admire. Through this process, I focus attention on my actions and this reflection has caused me to develop new and godly ways of responding to troublesome areas." -Dave Wertheim, Author, Speaker, Consultant, http://www.davewertheim.com
"We either give glory to God with all we do or we shame His name with all we do. Glorifying God is not an action or duty--it is a lifestyle. If one takes the command found in Matthew 5:16 'Let your light shine so before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father, which is in heaven' as a rule, or a life verse, then whatever a person puts their hand to either glorifies Him or not. So I glorify (or shame Him) in anything I put my hand to do." -Keiki Hendrix, Freelance Writer, Christian Book Reviewer, Http://vesselproject.wordpress.com
"I glorify God by accepting. I accept the person that I am today, and accept the call to be a better person tomorrow. Matthew 7:5 reads: 'Hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.' Many understand Matthew as admonishing those who judge others. I understand Matthew as encouraging those who engage the difficult work of becoming better people. Only then can we use the skills we gain in our own development process to help others do the same." -Rev. Deborah E. Lake, Author, Talk Show Host, Minister, Public Speaker, Activist, http://www.DeborahELake.com
"I am being tested by easy and difficult circumstances every day. I have constant choices to make. Am I self-focused or God-focused? Am I self-powered or God-powered? Am I self-serving or God-serving? Do I seek the love of others or show God's love to others? God is glorified by what we believe, do, and say each day before an audience of the world around us and a heavenly audience of saints and angels. Our response to God, is being recorded for eternity. I cannot control outcomes. I can control my decision to glorify Him." -Jim Villwock, Founder & Chief Job Doctor, Job Doctors International, LLC, http://www.JobDoctorsInternational.com
"I live with increasing consistency, and teach the following 10 Principles, which God gave to me (copyright 2002):
1. Open your heart & Trust
2. Give & Receive without attachment to the outcome
3. Create Safety for yourself & others
4. Welcome everything as a blessing, especially when it doesn't look like one
5. See only Goodness (Love)
7. Take Responsibility for everything…NO exceptions!
8. Let Go of what no longer serves you
9. Have NO Judgments, so truth can be revealed
10. BE the Miracle you wish to create.
I look always for how I am being blessed and invited to grow in faith." -Dr. Katie McCorkle, Psychologist, Founder and CEO of Balanced Heart™ Healing Center, http://www.balancedheart.org
"I personally glorify God by asking for His help to get out the way and allow Him to work in me and through me in such a way that my life may be a testimony of that fact that He exists....that He is good and full of love. In my experience, God is hysterical, fun, exciting, all healing, all knowing, all giving and all loving. My mentor and life coach, Roy Nelson, taught me how to live in a way that my main purpose in life is to get as clean emotionally and spiritually as possible and in this way I have been able to lose 60 pounds and no longer need to use alcohol, drugs or unhealthy sexual relationships as I once did to cope emotionally and spiritually, one day at a time. You can learn more about Roy's work through www.healyourhunger.com " -Dr. Talia Witkowski, doctor of psychology with a specialty in the field of eating disorders and addictions, though he no longer practices. He now works in sales and marketing for a hospice company.
"I try to glorify God with everything that I do and say. My business was a gift from God and I have to give credit where credit is due. I have a wonderful family and wonderful farm life that I so enjoy all because God led me to follow my heart and do what I love." -Marsha Louk, http://www.laurelforkfarm.com
Through Teaching People to Love Themselves and Others
"I glorify God by helping my coaching clients learn how to love themselves and treat people around them with respect. Whether its bullies or softies, I've found that many top performers lack self esteem. As a result they treat others poorly. God created each person in His image and tells us to love our neighbor as yourself which implies both self love and love for others." -Greg Schinkel, President, Unique Training & Development Inc. London, Ontario, Canada, http://UniqueDevelopment.com
Through Gratitude , Joy, Random Acts of Kindness
"I personally glorify God by thanking Him for His many blessings bestowed on me and trying to keep the thank you prayers well ahead of the personal requests. I also practice random acts of kindness because I believe this reveals Him through me to others. Additionally, I have taught our son to say prayers of thanks since he was a toddler, to establish that habit for the rest of his life." -Denise Dorman, Writer/Producer/Publicist, WriteBrain Media, http://www.writebrainmedia.com
"Every morning when I wake I lie still as possible opening one eye and then closing the other and thank Him for my ability to wink. It seems like such a trivial thing but I think of it as one of the small things He has given me. As I lie there slowly alternating opening one eye and closing the other, I think of the sacrifices He has made. When my right eye is closed I think of how He has provided a bright and shining beacon of light and hope. When my left eye is closed I think of how I can continue to serve Him. Before I am ready to get up, I close both eyes as tightly as possible until I am light-headed--that is when I feel closest to Him." -Samantha, 15
"Each evening I head for my balcony where I begin by giving God thanks for all the good and wonderful things that happened to me during the day. I thank Him for a safe drive to and from work; I thank Him for my co-workers even those who perhaps made my life miserable that day. I give thanks for all the wonderful blessings in my life--my friends, my family--and I also give thanks for the 'bad' things because I believe they happened for a reason, perhaps to teach me some lesson. I usually end by asking Him to help me in those areas where I need help and guidance to be a better person. As I leave my balcony, each night, to prepare for bed, I find that I am extremely calm and relaxed." -Connie Lawrence, Author, http://www.strategicpublishinggroup.com/title/AreMenReallyDogs.html
"As I left on my morning walk, I thanked God as I spotted a hummingbird flying from its feeder, then a tiny white feather floated in front of me. It was God's reminder to be still and know that He is God. He is with me and protects me. Before long I saw a penny on my path reminding me that God would provide my every need. I glorify God throughout the day with words of praise and thanksgiving, through my journaling, writing, photos, scrapbooking, teleseminars, and sharing words of encouragement with friends." -Linda Olson, Award-Winning Leader, Author, Inspirational Speaker, http://www.madeforsomethingmore.com
"I remember to thank Him for all that He has allowed in my life, whether or not it is something I feel that I want or need at the time. I attempt to acknowledge Him in all my ways, and praise Him in the midst of everything. I realize that God is the Author and Finisher of my faith, and therefore all that I am, and all that I will be is in Him. I have since begun sharing my joy with all that I encounter. I believe He is a God that everyone should experience." -K.M. Johnson, Author of Knowing the Struggle Is Over! http://michelejenterprises.blogspot.com
"One of the ways I try to glorify God is by living within my means. Often people blessed with material wealth squander it on selfish desires. That's how so many good Christians end up bankrupt or having to use debt settlement services. I recognize that as long as I have enough for my family, I have plenty to spare in giving to others. I've been in rough situations before and I know how hard it is to make a living. When people aren't worried about their incomes, they can worry more about God and spiritual things." -Adam Jones, Web Manager, http://www.christiandebtconsolidation.org
By Using Our God-Gifted Talents and Abilities
"I think we bring Glory to God by doing what He gave us special talents and abilities to do. I am a Heart/Lung Transplant recipient. Seven years ago I couldn't climb a flight of stairs without a break, now I run marathons. Not quickly, but I run them and I do so for 3 reasons:
1) Because I can--7yrs ago I couldn't; 2) because it brings awareness about how well organ donation can work; and 3) because I believe it brings glory to God. I wouldn't be alive without His grace. None of us would. But my story is slightly more extreme and thus demonstrates even more obviously what God can do!" -Mark Black, Speaker, Author, Life Coach, http://www.MarkBlackSpeaks.com
"I glorify God by using the creative talents He has given me. I believe that He is the supreme Creator, and thus by being creative ourselves, we are bringing glory to Him. I write music and poetry, paint and write novels, and in all that I do, I remember to give credit and glory to the one who blessed me with the talents that I have." -Michael Young, Online School Teacher
Through Forgiveness
"I personally glorify God by seeing the perfect spirit of Christ shining from the face of all His creations. I forgive their judgment of themselves and every moment glorify in their greatness. I bless the power of forgiveness to destruct the belief in human frailty and instead revel in the love that is every son and daughter's inherent and most beauteous gift." -Lynn Pierson, Mother, Wife and Author of a series of spiritual thrillers revealing the miraculous power of forgiveness, http://www.thegreatawakeningsaga.com and http://www.lynnpierson.com
Through Music
"I love sharing my 'gift bag' of God-given talents to write musical dramas for children that instill Biblical values in new ways. I write for joy, not for a living. My works have included a piece that explores why the shepherds were chosen first to hear the Good News; a Passion play exploring Christ's journey to the cross through the experience of the Crown of Thorns, the Staff, the Cup, and the Cross; and other works. A busy administrator and mother of two, it's an honor to be able to share this experience with young people through theatre and music." -Laurel B. Sanders, Director of Public Relations and Communications, Optical Image Technology, Inc.
"The one place I feel most comfortable to show how much I love and appreciate God is in the worship part of the service or when I get to sing religious songs in my work. I am blessed to work as a singer, but for me, it's always the best when I get to sing the pieces which allow me to really express my love of God in my work." -Debbie Bridge, Singer/Actor/Radio/Voice Over, http://www.debbiebridge.com
"I glorify God through my profession! I have played the harp professionally for 28 years, released 10 albums and play for HIM! I have recorded both an adult and children's Christian album, I play with Christian artists and perform mainly at churches now instead of concert halls. Secondly, I founded Gods Social Network, which is a large Christian social networking site. He deserves a social networking site and this site glorifies and praises Him! Lastly, I am an on air host and a regular guest host on Fox Business where I frequently acknowledge God and give Him credit and honor on air. But the biggest way that I honor Him is by spending TIME with Him! Getting quiet and still and just praising Him and asking Him to help me do His will for my life!!!" -Merry Miller, http://www.GodsSocialNetwork.com , http://www.HarpMusicToGo.com , http://www.BabyMusicToGo.com
"I personally glorify God by spreading the gospel through music. I get up every Sunday morning, turn gospel on the radio, crank up the music, open my garage and play drums enthusiastically until gospel goes off the station till 12:45 p.m. from 10:30 a.m. I have been taking my neighbors "to church" for the last 3 years and no one has complained. I have children that have asked do we have a church. My garage is my church and is filled with the spirit of hope, peace and thanksgiving and I happily share the experience with my neighbors." -Sunniej Jackson, TV Producer, http://EKLECTRA.US
Through Finding Peace
"I had traveled to Casablanca as a young man on a spiritual quest and to glorify God and had been invited to study Islam in a mosque. I realized too late that what I mistook for peace-loving people on a similar mission, ultimately turned out to be militant Muslims that promptly imprisoned me (chronicled in my book "Storm Over Morocco"). After my escape, I've been inspired to glorify God by organizing interfaith events with varied religions that included fundamentalist Muslims, Jews, and Christians in Israel and Palestine. Never losing sight of my spiritual path, I continue to nurture my dream of helping to find a peaceful solution to religious conflicts." -Frank Romano, PhD, Sorbonne University, Paris & tenured professor, University of Paris, http://www.frankromano363.com
Through Career and Silence Witnessing
"I glorify God through my work, as an author and script consultant. I pray about my day every morning and listen for leadings, promptings, but also to keep an attitude of kindness and helpfulness for my clients and readers, hoping my work encourages them to offer the Good Things in their lives and perhaps speaks, in some way, to their spiritual selves." -Dr. Linda Seger, http://www.spiritualstepsontheroadtosuccess.com and http://www.lindaseger.com
"I praise God through my Hummingbird Studios fine art and nature photography! When I began to lose my vision from a massive detached retina, many years ago, my doctors were not sure of the surgical outcome. While recuperating in my hospital bed, I became overwhelmed with fear and uncertainty. Then, I began reflecting upon the nature images which appeared in the National Geographic and Audubon magazines which my parents subscribed to when I was a little girl. Remembering that I had always wanted to become a photographer, I placed my faith in God, praying that if my vision were reasonably salvaged that I would celebrate Nature (God's creation) and His gift of sight through macro photography. My sight was reasonably saved and I fulfilled my promise by becoming an available light macro-photographer, with an online gallery called Hummingbird Studios. All Praise and Glory to His Name!" -Phyllis Walker, Photographer, http://www.hummingbird-studios.com
"I've always wondered at Jesus healing some blind people by first spitting into the dirt and creating clay to smear on their eyes; or God creating Adam from the dust of the Earth. There are several examples in the Bible of Jesus using earth or clay to either create or heal. Of course clay wasn't necessary for the creating or healing, but being a clay artist, I am intrigued. I strive to Glorify God through my artwork. I love babies and children and Jesus had much to say about having the faith of a small child. Therefore, my art centers around babies. I do baby hand and feet impressions and personalized, heirloom baby gifts. I pray over each piece while sculpting it for the children & parents for which they are intended. I pray for God to direct and guide my hands and that the parents and children I create for will come to know Jesus as Lord and Savior." -Amy Stone, Artist, http://www.FairysAndFrogs.com
"I am a Christian counselor, and although I do not push my agenda on others, I do not hide that I am a Christian and willing to discuss spirituality. I advertise this on my website, I have crosses on my walls of my office and a Bible. I wear a crucifix on a chain on my neck. In my intake paperwork, there are 2 questions about church attendance, and I ask about church attendance in my intake. I have prayed with clients, I have discussed spiritual issues, etc. However, if they show no interest, I do not press. I allow the environment to "work" for me. Many of my clients have chosen me because of my Christian status. My work is unique, in that I CAN talk about God. I got out of social services because I could not." -Cheryl McKinzie, MS, MA, LPCI, http://McKinzieCounseling.com and http://DallasChildCounselor.com
Shirley Cheng (b. 1983), a blind and physically disabled award-winning author (with 21 book awards, including nine Parent to Parent Adding Wisdom Awards), motivational speaker, self-empowerment expert, poet, author of nine books (including "Do You Love Jehovah? God Almighty's Infinite Love & Wisdom to Propel You to Greatness"), contributor to nineteen, and a parental rights advocate, has had severe juvenile rheumatoid arthritis since infancy. Owing to years of hospitalization, she received no education until age eleven. Back then, she knew only her ABCs and very simple English; other than that, her book knowledge was non-existent. However, after only about 180 days of special education in elementary school, she mastered grade level in all areas and entered a regular sixth grade class in middle school. Unfortunately, Shirley lost her eyesight at the age of seventeen. After a successful eye surgery, she hopes to earn multiple science doctorates from Harvard University. Visit http://www.shirleycheng.com for more inspiration.
Do you have questions about the Bible? Something you don't understand? Do you need a bit of guidance in developing a relationship with Jehovah? Then Shirley would like to help you! Please contact her via her site at http://www.shirleycheng.com and she would be more than glad to do her best to answer your questions! Never hesitate to ask questions, for no question about the Bible is ever too small or stupid.