SWITCH TO A POSITIVE VEINB: Being positive all the time is easier said that done, but there are ways to be more positive. For example, the first step is to say you will be a positive blessing to yourself and the world and that you are determined to reap the benefits of making positivity your way of life.

L: Life grows richer as you focus on ways to be more positive.

E: Expedite your energy to work in a more positive way. Energy can be expedited and revved up if you add a dose of positivity.

S: Strengthen your beliefs in positivity, so whatever you turn your hands to do you can make something good out of it. Stellar preparation combined with a strong attitude will work wonders in any situation.

S: Switch on your positivity by always seeking out the most positive, effective responses. Sieve out as much real value as you can from every situation.

Y: You have a choice and I hope you will take the Be Prepared approach. With this approach, when the right time comes, you will know what to do easily and naturally.

O: Opportunities abound, so tell yourself that all challenges can be transformed into some form of opportunity.

U: Understand that the power of positivity is a real force you can utilize if you believe in its power and act upon it. Use it or lose it also applies to the mental powers we have at our disposal.

B: Bend your life energy towards positivity with your positive thoughts, so that it flows ever forward.
L: Live each moment in the pursuit of the highest and most positive purpose you can possibly envisage.
E: Everything in its right time is an adage worth remembering. There is a time to be gentle, but there is also a time to push on and persist in your endeavors.
S: Shakespeare penned that there is nothing good or bad except thinking makes it so. Punch in this context means an extra push, extra effort, extra effectiveness to be more and that is to be more positive, more successful and more of you.
S: Situations come and go but you can sail through them with flying colors if you know how to roll with the punches. Multiple positive actions should be the response to all comers.

Y: You can be more. Tell yourself you can and will be more. That is the power of the positive punch.
O: Over time, you can become more knowledgeable, more experienced, wiser and more positive. The clock keeps ticking, so you might as well use time to become much more.
U: Use aide-memoires and inspirational quotes to add power to your positive outlook.

B: Believe in passion and believe that you can be passionate about all the things that make life worth living for you.
L: Live your passion . Think about what you are passionate about and see what you can do to live that passion . Living deep inside you is a passion. Find it, bring it to the surface and act upon it. Let your passion see the light of day.
E: Express and expand your passion in all that you do.
S: Sharply focus on your desires. Fill your mind with thoughts of your passions and positive possibilities. And in this way the power of passion will fuel your endeavors.
S: Start each day with a resolution that you will live this day as passionately as you can. Surprise yourself with your overwhelming passion for everything you do.���

Y: Your passion can come to life if you let it. With passion, you have the power to achieve more and go on to achieving the best. Let it.
O: Outstanding opportunities are here and now. Challenge yourself to dig deeper to flesh out opportunities.
U: Use your words, thoughts and actions to resonate with who you really are. This is what Shakespeare meant when he penned the words: Be true to yourself.

Author's Bio: 

AUTHOR BIO: Susan McKenzie teaches at Linguaphone in Singapore. For enquiries about the courses Tel: 8455 8534, Email: enquiry.linguaphoneschool@gmail.com and susanmckenzie2003@yahoo.co.uk . Read articles written by Susan at www.abetoday.com