Many people experience back pain at one time or another during their lives. Some experience minor discomfort while others suffer excruciating pain. Many suffer in silence as they do not know of an effective solution to their problem. This can affect daily life and may even disrupt performance of simple daily tasks. There are many solutions for someone experiencing back pain : to treat it as it occurs or to get rid of the pain once and for all.

Back pain has affected many people over the ages. Not all who experience it visit the doctor every time they experience the pain. There is no official record of the number of people who experience back pain as the pain may be experienced in different degrees. Many people tend to self-medicate by resting at home or by easing their muscles and back bones with a gentle massage .

Exercise , as anyone would vouch, is a good activity for strengthening your body and keeping you in good health. Therefore it is not surprising that you should consider working up some kind of exercise program if you experience.

Exercise causes the different parts of the body to experience better blood flow, which nourishes the joints, muscles and discs. Spasms, the main cause of back pain , can be relieved with exercise . Even simple and easy exercises have proven to be beneficial for easing back pain.

Prolonged positionsIf you are constantly at the computer doing your work, you should be sitting with your feet flat on the floor for better posture and better blood circulation. Putting your feet on a foot rest helps to alleviate pain as well as getting up from your chair and moving about for just 5 minutes for every hour you are seated. If you have to stand for long periods of time, shift your weight from one foot to the other to relieve back pain and encourage better blood circulation.

Types of shoes
Besides exercise , what you wear on your feet also plays an important role in the occurrence of back pain. You should opt for low-heeled shoes with soft soles for more comfort for your back. You can put inserts into your shoes to attain better posture and avoid back pain. If you feel you are overweight, losing the extra weight can help to ease the burden on your back.

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