Is your income ‘enough’? Isn’t it all relative? What seems not enough to you might be masses to someone literally living on the breadline but ridiculously small to an A-lister celebrity.
All of your ‘poverty’, your insecurities around money, all of your financial struggles, and every desperate lacking feeling you've ever had around money can be easily eliminated. You have the power to effortlessly create abundance all around you, if you are willing to be wrong, to let go of all your old habits, and try on something completely new, radical and revolutionary. From this day on, go to the very root of what is instigating your feelings of financial challenge, uproot those old thought patterns and replace them with the following exercise below, and you'll see before your eyes that everything changes.
“The game of life is a game of boomerangs. Our thoughts, deeds and words
return to us sooner or later with astounding accuracy.” ~Florence Scovel Shinn
The very core of all your struggles with money stem from that one place which you never thought to look. It's underneath that most subtle, slippery, sneaky, unsuspecting source inside our mind. Every experience of financial suffering came from the root identification, "I AM struggling with money". You see, whenever you follow any idea in your head after these two magical words "I AM" you will manifest exactly what follows. All financial issues stem from this thought, or a thought that sounds similar to it. Most likely your mind has been going over it with your own personalized twist that might sound something like, "I AM always busy working and barely making enough. I AM stuck in this job so I have to work hard to get by. I AM all alone so I cannot ever relax and get ahead. I AM burdened by too many bills. I AM always barely scrimping by. Or, I AM just not educated enough to make plenty of money. Or a really good one I heard only this morning from a client – “You have to work really hard and just earn enough to keep the wolf from the door – it’s just the way it is"
The subconscious believes what it hears; If you tell it that stuff that’s what you’ll get. But when you make the choice to change that thinking you’ll be amazed at what miracles turn up in your life – seemingly effortlessly.
When you are tired enough of struggling year after year, of doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome you will decide to think a new more positive thought that follows your "I AM". You will consciously choose positive new thoughts such as, "I AM making plenty of money. I AM doing well financially this year. I AM truly abundant and financially free!"
“You will be a failure, until you impress the subconscious with the conviction you are a success. This is done by making an affirmation which ''clicks.'' ~Florence Scovel Shinn
The key to shifting out of any pattern is having emotional honesty and consistency. In the beginning you may be buried so deep in financial despair that you cannot truly FEEL what it’s like to be financially free. It's ok to pretend you are doing better and "fake it until you make it" whenever you're first shifting out of any stuck old habit. Yet, there will come a day (rather quickly) when this technique won't work anymore, and you will need to actually FEEL what true abundance is like inside. AND YOU WILL. One day you’ll wake up, say the words and YOU’LL BELIEVE THEM and know they are true for you. Don’t worry about what’s going on outside – if you believe “we are in the greatest economy ever” that’s what will be true for you.
We are all born with amazing potential inside us. For the few, the actors, celebrities, business entrepreneurs , the ‘rich and famous’ we see them as having ‘made it’. They have a ‘drive’ inside them that got them there – so often against some amazing odds. But they did do it. How did they do it? By being consistent, practising until they were perfect and then practising some more – but ultimately BELIEVING.
But for the rest of us? The majority? Unfortunately for the majority of us by the time we’re old enough to understand what’s going on that belief has changed. The light the knowing has been dimmed by circumstances. Every being has full access to reconnecting with this feeling again. When you stop colouring your consciousness with struggling thoughts and change those negative beliefs for empowering ones then you will naturally return to this inherent abundance again.
WE have to have consistency. Cleaning your teeth every day is a good example. We all do that – well twice a day actually, so you should become consistent with your positive thoughts and actions. Every day for the next month of your life, say to yourself every morning when you wake up “I AM making plenty of money." Every night before you go to sleep, say it again. Say it ten times every morning, say it every evening. Keep saying it, Say it in the shower, on your drive to work. Keep repeating it, over and over. When you worry about something you go over it again and again – so do this. For one month.
At midday check inside and gauge how you're feeling around your relationship with money. Be honest with yourself and explore just how much you've awakened from your hypnotic trance around being poor, broke and constantly struggling. Be patient with yourself. Rome wasn't built in a day. You will need to sleep, breathe and eat the feelings of "I AM making plenty of money" before you will start manifesting it in the physical world.
When you first open your eyes in the morning, take these precious moments to turn your attention inward to your "I AM ME, " and hold the visualization and feeling for as long as you can, Open your arms wide fingers outstretched on open palms and say “I AM OPEN AND RECEPTIVE TO ALL THE GOOD AND ABUNDANCE IN THE UNIVERSE" “I AM OPEN AND RECEPTIVE TO NEW AVENUES OF INCOME” “I AM making plenty of money" “TODAY I AM ON A MISSION TO MANIFEST MY MIRACLE”
There is great power and a divine force behind your mind. It's what is running today's manifestation show! When you deeply re-establish this new abundant I AM identity, and are visualizing what happens in the next 24 hours with it, you'll naturally shape shift your finances and your life and be able to attract not only plenty of money to you but all the abundance that you so richly deserve in a way that will surprise you.
Enjoy your journey!
Let me know how you get on; email
I can you help you change your poverty consciousness into a prosperity one, raise your vibration around money, show you how to attract everything you desire. Quickly, easily and very effectively
"Expect your every need to be met, expect the answer to every problem, Expect abundance on every level, Expect to grow spiritually. You are not living by human laws. Expect miracles and see them take place. Hold ever before you the thought of prosperity and know that doing so sets in motion forces that will bring it into being." ~Eileen Caddy

Author's Bio: 

It’s always difficult writing these sorts of things; not that I don't have anything to say but sometimes I feel that people will see it as hype or 'precious'. I hope by reading my articles and looking at my website you'll see more of what/who I am- the truth (if you will) behind the name and qualifications.
I've been on my own personal development journey for many years, discovering, learning and studying with some of the very best experts in their fields.
I’ve always worked in a people environment; firstly in face to face sales and telesales (both business and consumer) and then as an HR Manager and Office Manager. So it seemed a natural progression for me to move from training sales teams and advising executives to becoming a personal development coach.
I believe very much that unless you re-programme your negative beliefs and thoughts you'll never 'move on' and that could be with relationships, weight loss, health, career, money.
Using the very powerful and effective processes of NLP, Hypnosis, Theta Healing and EFT I motivate and steer people toward living the lives they want rather than what they 'should' or been told to. This gives them the opportunity to truly live the life they deserve.
I believe that what we put out there we get back and the only way to improve our lives is by ‘reprogramming’ our mindset.
The 3 greatest internal blocks people have are fear, self doubt and procrastination. When we release those we can be, do, have whatever it is we truly desire.
Like a computer when the 'hardware' isn't congruent with the 'software' no advancement can be made when we are out of sync; and it's the same with our brains. If we say one thing – and believe in our subconscious something totally, different we’ll never make the changes we think we want. Our thoughts and beliefs are what makes us tick so whatever the issue whether it’s relationships, work/career, money, self esteem, confidence; I help people look at what is holding them back and help them release those ties enabling them to go forward with whatever it is they desire. . But it can be a very painful process, the letting go, and people have to be ready and willing to make the changes. Affirmations are wonderful tools but useless without that one major ingredient – Action!
So Action, consistency and commitment - make it happen -
Persistence + Confidence = Success
My greatest joy is seeing the transformation when someone releases their blocks and moves forward.