Testosterone is a male hormone that is generated by testicles. These hormones are responsible for developing the person’s sexual abilities and prowess. The hormone contributes majorly in making the person feel erotic and get rejuvenated. However in the recent generation there are many such cases where people have been observing difficulties like lowered testosterone count which has been creating huge complications in their sexual life.

There are many causes of lowered testosterone levels which would develop numerous difficulties in men. it is extremely important to get to know about some of the essential factors responsible for lowering the count of testosterone on men.

Age has been the major factor responsible for reducing the count of testosterone hormone in men. As the age of the person advances, the person experiences a lowered sex hormonal growth. Usually in the age group of 35 to 45 years of age, men are more susceptible to conditions like andropause. Hence, fluctuating and reduced testosterone levels are bound to be observed.

Testicular injuries, this is another major reason responsible for reducing the testosterone hormone in the person. The injuries impact by reducing the production of the hormone, which will decline its presence. Hence, it is extremely important to make a healthy approach and attain complete safety to avoid injuries to testicles. This would ultimately result by troubling your erotic powers.

Infections in testicles, this is the another important factor that is to be taken care of, infection to the male organ is one such major cause responsible for reducing the count of testicles. Such infections should be essentially taken care of to make it a healthy experience and lead a life full of erotic passion .

Various difficult treatments, like cancer treatments, these are also amongst the major causes responsible for altering the production of testosterone hormones. These medical treatments involve various medications and tablets in the treatment; those are very strong to digest. These drugs leave a side effect on any of the other functions of body. Many people experience a lowered sex drive and a reduced testosterone count. Such major changes in routine will also result by ruining the erotic abilities of the person and make it difficult for the person to gain back the rejuvenation.

Also, some chronic diseases would also make it a worsened phenomenon. Disorders like kidney related diseases and illnesses like Sarcoidosis, Cirrhosis of liver are some of the major troubles responsible for developing erotic troubles by lowering the count of testosterone in men.

There are also some categories of medications which make it further difficult for people by hampering their testosterone levels in blood. Using these medications in moderation will reduce the chances to a certain extent.

These are some of the commonly known facts that are responsible for lessening the testosterone levels. A healthy and passionate routine is all that is required for a superb and happy living. Healthy routine practices will reduce the troubles to a greater extent and will also help in controlling sexual set-backs and promoting healthy relationship.

Author's Bio: 

Paul Zand is a Medical Student and a freelancer who is specialized in writing. He is associate with many Pharmacies for whom he writes articles based on generic drugs like Tadalis SX , Generic Viagra , Kamagra , Generic Levitra and such.