A full marketing strategy includes paid search marketing, search engine optimization and, increasingly, social media optimization. In fact, social media optimization is taking on a growing role in growing your business presence on the web and in local search results. If you’re a Fort Lauderdale business owner or target customers in the Fort Lauderdale area, pursuing a Fort Lauderdale social media optimization strategy can help you increase your visibility and grow your bottom line. These tips can help you craft an effective Fort Lauderdale social media optimization strategy.

Create Profiles on All Relevant Social Media Platforms

The conventional wisdom used to be that you should focus your energy on one social media platform and concentrate on mastering it. These days if you focus your attention on one platform, you’re likely to miss a big segment of your potential market. Instead, create social media profiles for your company on the major platforms: Facebook, Twitter and Google+ at the very least, but Tumblr, Instagram and Pinterest are increasingly important in social media marketing as well.

Use a Consistent Business Name Across All Platforms

Social media is very effective for branding efforts if you use it correctly. For starters, use the same name on all of your social media profiles – your business name is the best option. Many people interact on several social media platforms, so being consistent makes your profiles easy to find.

Fill Out Your Profile Completely Including Geographical Location

Every profile is slightly different but there are several pieces of information that should be included in all of them. Geographical location is vitally important if you’re trying to create a local presence and take advantage of a Fort Lauderdale social media optimization strategy. Try to keep as much information as possible consistent across all of your profiles.

Follow Local Thought Leaders

Spend some time exploring the communities on each of the major social media profiles to find thought leaders in the Fort Lauderdale area. Follow local business people, prominent local media figures and local politicians. Learn the most popular local hash tags and devote some time to interacting with other users to become familiar.

Create Links Between Your Profiles and Website

Link all of your social media profiles to each other, and link to all of them from your website. Make it easy for potential clients, customers or patients to follow your feeds by including “Follow Us on…” buttons in the sidebar of your website.

Share Interesting and Informative Content

The single most important thing you can do to gain followers is to make sure that everything you share brings something of value to your followers. Make sure that a percentage of everything you share, plus, tweet or otherwise pass along or create has a Fort Lauderdale focus.

Choose the Right Social Media Management Company

One of the easiest ways to make sure you have an effective local social media optimization strategy is to hire a professional Fort Lauderdale social media agency to develop and manage your strategy for you. A local company already knows the thought leaders and has the connections to give your website and your business a head start in getting started with social media marketing.

Author's Bio: 

Is your business social? If not, you should consider hiring a Fort Lauderdale social media agency such as exults.com. They understand the world of social media and will help launch your business in all the major platforms. In Fort Lauderdale, social media optimization is competitive, so you need to hire the best. Talk to Exults today.