Erections are everywhere - on commercials on TV, in ads on the internet, and even in movies that don't include a guy delivering a pizza to a woman without enough money to pay for it (nudge-nudge-wink-wink). All of these images keep boners on the brain, so it's no wonder that when a man can't summon his soldier, he gets concerned. Here's the thing - weak erections are a common issue to have; if they weren't, there wouldn't be a $1.65 billion industry around to treat it. However, a worm that won't wiggle doesn't necessarily need a little blue pill. Sometimes, a man just needs to address some things in his life to breathe the life back into his member. Here are 10 ways a man can boost his bone without seeing a pharmacist (and thereby improve his total personal health as well).
Erection Exciter #1: Give Your Penis Some PTO
Wait... get a stronger erection by not getting an erection? Sure, it seems like a chicken-egg conundrum, but too much activity can desensitize Mr. Happy. Take a day or two off and see if he rises strong after a little rest.
Erection Exciter #2: Take It Easy on the Porn
Pornography definitely can amp up the excitement with a partner or give some inspiration for self-pleasure. However, porn can also desensitize a man to his partner if he can only get excited for five-ways on a canoe with one person wearing a vape juice mask. Hyperbolic? Sure. But, that's the thing with porn; the more you watch, the more you escalate with the content.
Erection Exciter #3: Keepin' It Tight!
By keeping your body mass in check, your hormones, specifically testosterone, stay stable. Gain too much around the middle, and that chub starts converting testosterone into estrogen, which is a major boner basher.
Erection Exciter #4: Underlying Health Conditions
Treat the root cause, not the symptom. Weak erections can be a side effect of many diseases, such as hypertension, diabetes, and heart disease . So instead of focusing so much on the one-eyed snake, be sure to properly handle the reason he's not wiggling in the first place.
Erection Exciter #5: Mental Health Managed
Mental health is such an important part of whole health, including penis health. Get help when it's needed. Take medications, if prescribed, and talk it out.
Erection Exciter #6: Seize Stress
Your nervous system can affect your hard-on status, so keep stress in check. Find a few ways to stay calm and serene, like meditation , boxing, or relaxed breathing. Less stress means better health.
Erection Exciter #7: Work It Out!
Get thee to the gym. Get in some cardio to keep blood vessels in tip-top shape. Be sure to lift some weights or strength train to maintain muscle mass and strengthen the thrusty areas of the body in the reproductive region.
Erection Exciter #8: Limit Libations
A drink or two is okay, but anything more can make a boner go bye-bye.
Erection Exciter #9: Stop Smoking (and Vaping Too)
Anything that damages your blood vessels is terrible for your big stick, so it's time to kick the habit.