Many mediums have a story to tell about their particular journey towards working on the platform as genuine mediums. There are some that will have experienced something out of the ordinary and perhaps communicated with their own loved ones on the other side before developing their own abilities. Perhaps, their loved ones on the other side help them to open up their senses to the spirit world so that they can communicate with each other. There could have been a curiosity which is stepped up once a loved one has gone over or a strong desire to get a message from the other side.
There are some genuine mediums who recall a loved one on the other side in constant communication with them. These mediums will talk about spontaneous information coming to them at times when they least expect it. They may mention a smell a sensation which gives them a strong indication that their loved ones on the other side are present. There are some genuine mediums who can work in a variety of ways to bring evidence of spirits on the other side communicating with them.
Many people could be mediums without actually realising this, for instance the spirits could be communicating with them in their dreams . There is a theory that when we go to sleep that we have the ability to communicate with those on the other side. It is as if our thought processes take us to a spiritual bridge where the spirits are on one side and we are on the other. This bridge can never be crossed by either the spirits or yourself and if that rule is broken you will swiftly be sent back.
There have been reports of near death experiences where people levitate above their body and see a very bright light. They are drawn towards the light and then just before they are about to enter a voice tells them ‘its not your time yet, go back!” and their lives are changed forever from that moment. Genuine mediums will be familiar with most of these experiences as they will be privy to many stories from others who are seeking genuine mediums to help bring perspective to their experiences.
If you were looking for a reading with genuine mediums you may be able to check out their credentials and feedback. The best mediums who are working in this field bringing readings are likely to have developed their ability long before they took the plunge to work professionally. You should be able to ask them many questions about the spirit world and their mediumship abilities and they would give you informed answers.
Rachel Ann writes for the psychic arena.
psychic readings psychic reading psychic reading psychics