Life balance, emotional health, reducing stress, these are all current topics for everyone, not just Baby Boomers and those over 40. One of the most effective antidotes to these realities of life today is to create memories, especially with those you love and care about. FUN? Always a good thing.

Be creative!! Stop following all the rules. Stop thinking about all the things you "should" be doing. Don’t limit yourself with what people say you're too old to do. This really is your life and this really is the only chance you get at it.

Re-create yourself - again. Who do you want to be today? Don't think you have to always be who you've always been. Don't feel like you have to keep doing the things you've always done. Put yourself into your life. What are your rules?

Start scaring yourself. Explore the edges. Seek out and have adventures; be outrageous. What are some things you've always wanted to do? Ever heard of the Red Hat Society? Why do you think these kinds of groups are so popular? Is it because they allow the members to do things that are Fun, outside of the ordinary; things that are sometimes outrageous?

When I was forty years old, I started to scuba dive and loved it. I was asked to wholesale the reservations and do the marketing for a fly-fishing and dive resort thirty miles off of the coast of Belize. Twenty years ago, things down there were really primitive.

Part of my commitment included escorting special groups and sports editors down to take them fly-fishing and diving. Joe Doggett from Houston, the Queen of Luxembourg, Fly-fishing International; I had a great time.

Once I was asked to accompany a paraplegic group for a dive trip. In the water, on a drift dive, they were physically equal to everyone else, moving their arms to guide them along. Their smiles were a reward for my efforts and confirmation of the test I gave myself to go out on this unknown limb; a cherished memory.

Life balance, emotional health, reducing stress? Part of today’s reality. One of the most effective antidotes? Creating memories, especially with those you love and care about.

"If you don’t have any Fun in your Life, then all you have is a bunch of Thursdays." (Movie, Rumor Has It)

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Author's Bio: 

Carolyn Bates is an International Coach Federation (ICF) Certified Personal Life Coach specializing in successful life transitions and retirement for Baby Boomers and people 50+. She is recognized as a Professional Personal Life Coach, Author, Published Writer, Group & Workshop Leader. Coaching Life Design writes a monthly newsletter, has an interactive website and continually creates and offers teleclasses focused on the challenges of creating the life you want.

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