Be Dynamic Through Speed Reading method, by Dr. Jay Polmar, is designed for those who read large volumes of printed material. Sometimes they get frustrated when they can't keep up with all the intriguing literature that is released. Authors around the world produce printed data and fiction, at a rate so phenomenal, that even the most avid of readers struggle to keep up. With our DYNAMIC SPEED READING method, you'll easily be able to read twice to three times the amount you now read in the same time.
The human brain/mind is capable of comprehending and cataloging from 10,000 to 50,000 units of information per minute (one unit being equal to one word) and this is based upon old statistics. Based on new technology in education and strides in self-development, your brain/mind is capable of much more.
The human body is a vehicle that records various senses and transfers them to the brain/mind. The brain/mind acts like a computer. Perhaps the brain/mind is the body's operational computer to make easier for us to learn. We learn through information (data) which is transmitted in many ways. We receive data through our five physical senses, and our brain/mind makes decisions, choices and judgments from those factors.
Our limitations in reading were programmed during childhood when we were first taught to read. Yet, brain/mind researchers have shown that through DYNAMIC SPEED READING techniques, thousands have broken that pattern and increased speeds dramatically.
This course teaches techniques for becoming Dynamic. We expect you, minimally, to become a speed reader who likes to read and improve the quality of your life. Maximally, we expect great, positive successes from our students. A beginning average reading speed for the average American high school graduate is about 250 words per minute. Those from the south read somewhat slower because of their drawl. Those who stutter also read slower. An average college student reads approximately 300 w.p.m.
Please take note: Recent studies have indicated that the English reading rate has dropped due to poor education in the past decade. The reduction of reading speed is astounding averaging 35% poor reading rates in the US. Be Dynamic undoes the damage of poor education system and was developed by Dr. Jay Polmar, who studied in the US when education mean something special and reading was king.
Be Dynamic Through Speed Reading by Dr. Jay Polmar is now available on in printed and Kindle books and with the unique audio programming system that makes you the best student you can be.
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Dr. Jay Polmar, the founder of , taught classes in colleges and universities for 16 years.