When a question troubles you, concentrating on an lexigram, cards or a chapter from I Ching can be just what you need to bring out the answer that you deep down know is the right one.

Whether you call it fortune telling, psychic reading or divination – almost everyone is attracted to learn more about one’s future. Every summer in my home town the gypsies would come and put up their campers on the main town square. There would be long lines of people, mainly women, who wanted a reading from one of these women, so foreign-looking with their waist long raven black hair and ankle long skirts. They were charging horrendous sums for their fortune telling.

“I’ll see you’ll meet a man,” the fortune teller would say, in a tongue mixed with all the Scandinavian languages and added a few exotic accents. With more cash on the table she’d continue: “You might meet on a journey.” Want to know even more – pay more. Talk about words being worth gold!

One year I decided to splash out on a reading, and went to a young girl, where only a few people were waiting in line outside. Inside, a heavy curtain divided the camper in two, and behind the curtain I could hear the angry voice of a man and children shouting and screaming. Obviously her husband looking after the babies while she was working. I wanted to know if I’d marry too and have children.

“Yes, yes,” she kept saying. “But not here. You’ll be happy, but not here. You’ll go away.” Two years after I bumped into the man I’d marry and some years after that I moved across Europe.

While I do believe living your fabulous life is very much about being present now, I still believe fortune telling has its mission. Tarot cards, palmistry, lexigrams, I Ching, numerology , yes, even tea cup reading, are all tools that can be used wisely to help us know ourselves better and to make better decisions in central matters in our lives. When a question trouble you, concentrating on an lexigram or a chapter from I Ching can be just what you need to bring out the answer that you deep down know is the right one.

When I do horoscope readings for friends, they will often say things like: “Yes, that’s correct, yes, that’s me. No, that’s absolutely not me, no, I’m not like that!” Most people are concerned about whether a reading fits or not. But I do believe that psychic readings , or fortune telling if you like, also can bring out sides that the subject herself isn’t truly aware of.

In astrology , especially with young people, I see that they need to grow into their charts, so to say. They have sides and qualities they don’t want to relate to, at least not yet. For instance, I know this young woman with a very strong Uranus in her birth chart and she tends to let this rebellious planet totally rule her life, while as a Capricorn with a Taurus Moon she would be happier if she listened to her needs for some stability and order, too. When I pointed out that she’s really a quite organized and disciplined person she just laughed and said “that doesn’t fit”. Well, hopefully one day she’ll “fit herself into herself. “

Another way to say it is that fortune telling helps us find the fortune – which is always hidden inside us. And finding it absolutely contributes to your fabulous life.

Author's Bio: 

Tove Cecilie Fasting, webmaster and owner of Your Fabulous Life , is an author specializing in personal growth.