Whereas some Russians still choose to move abroad, in recent times more foreigners from the USA, UK, Europe and Asia are deciding to relocate to Russia.
In this article https://ecominded.net/moving-to-russia
you will find some answers to most frequently asked questions, like:
* How do I get Russian visa?
* e-visa: what is it and how can I get it?
* How can I move to Russia?
* How can I get a temporary residence permit in Russia?
* How much does it cost to live in Russia?
* How much does it cost to rent a home in Russia?
* Can a foreigner buy a real estate in Russia?
and much more...
Founder of Eco-Minded Club, organizer, guide and translator at Dolmen Tours and Vedic Russia spiritual Retreats. Here you can read more about my life path: https://ecominded.net/your-guide-and-translator