Did you know that less than 80% of sales leads from trade shows get any follow-up action? 80%!!!! Trade shows and conferences are happening all the time – they are an ideal way to get out there and meet people – YOUR people.

What is it about doing follow-up that has entrepreneurs frozen in their tracks? Based on the work I do with my coaching clients, I know that many of you just don’t know what you don’t know.

I, personally, love doing follow-up so the purpose of this article is to give you a few of my success tips. They work for me and they can work for you too.

1. A simple hand-written note. This tends to be a lost art. Buy some quality, attractive note cards and send along a simple note to follow-up on the contact that you made. Suggest an appropriate ‘next step’ in your note – coffee? Phone call? (something!)

2. Send an interesting article! You would have had some kind of conversation with the person you met at the networking event. What was their area of interest? Find an article to complement that- and send it along – either electronically or in hard copy (I prefer the latter because most people don’t do that.).

3. Share a resource. Again, I make the assumption you would have had a decent conversation with the new person and so, perhaps, you have an ideal resource to recommend to them. Send an e-mail to that effect – keep the conversation going.

4. Connect on social media. Get connected in this way – and stay in touch. One thing I ensure is that I find out their birthday – and am certain to follow up. Everyone loves to be acknowledged on their birthday.

5. Invite them to an event that you attend regularly! Perhaps that person is looking to expand their network – and who isn’t? Be sure to follow up with them to share the information and extend an invitation.

6. These are just some of the things that I do for follow up. It is a revenue-generating activity that is certain to help you grow your business. Most people drop the ball – don’t you be one of them!

Which ones will you do this week to follow up with new contacts? Tell me about it……

Author's Bio: 

Pat Mussieux is fast becoming regarded as one of the voices for women's entrepreneurial success. After leaving her 22-year marriage with virtually nothing, and moving across the country at age 55 to start a new life, she re-launched her coaching and speaking business - taking it from zero and growing it into a multiple 6-figure home-based business. Much of her success can be attributed to her expertise when it comes to marketing, mindset and money!
Pat has been featured as an expert in both print media and on TV. She was nominated as one of the 2010 and 2011 RBC Canadian Women Entrepreneurs of the Year; as well, Pat has been nominated for the Chatelaine magazine “Woman of the Year for 2011”. Pat is Founder of Wealthy Women Leaders, and provides business and success advice and resources to clients around the world.
Pat is the author of "The 7-Step Guide To Growing Your Business by Getting Out of Your Own Way ", teaching women entrepreneurs how to get their message out, close the sale, enjoy massive results, and create some simple systems and processes for success!
Through her coaching programs and products, Pat teaches her clients how to experience freedom inside and out and create the life they truly want to live, now! It's a 'no-excuses' approach! You can reach her at http://www.wealthywomenleaders.com