A lot of people don’t like visiting a doctor for ‘small’ illnesses. Apart from the time and effort it will take to book an appointment with a doctor a lot of money is also spent and this is something that everybody wants to avoid. Somebody someday must’ve thought that enough is enough. There must be some sort of self-made cure that will rid humanity of the need to visit the doctor for every small ailment. This must be what gave birth to Natural Remedies.

One of the most underrated natural supplements that can prove to be an excellent natural remedyis fish oil.It is a well-known fact that fish oil contains Omega-3 Fatty Acids. Omega-3 Fatty acids are anti-inflammatory in nature and can effectively provide relief from ailments like arthritis , allergies, stress and even something as big as asthma. The presence of Omega-3 Fatty Acids in fish oil makes it an effective natural supplement to improve brain functions.

However, opinions are divided on whether fish oil is a healthy natural supplement or not. Naturally, there are two sides of this coin. Fish oil can either be artificially used in cooking food or can be ingested by eating oily fish that naturally contain the aforementioned Omega-3 fatty acids. When you’re eating oily fish, the species of fish being consumed is very important. A lot of fish carry a lot of Mercury and this overshadows and subdues the benefits of eating fresh fish over taking the supplements. This is why, a lot of nutritionists and dieticians prescribe fish oil to be artificially added to food as opposed to consuming fresh fish, since acceptable levels of mercury can never be ascertained with certain species of fish. As a consequence fish oil proves to be a much better natural remedy than directly consuming fresh fish.

There are many benefits, however, of fish oil, which cannot be ignored. Some of them are:

1. Regulated levels of cholesterol

2. Prevention of ailments like:

a. Heart diseases

b. Macular degeneration

c. Depression and bi-polar disorder related to Omega-3 deficiency

d. Postpartum depression

e. Type II diabetes

f. Inflammation

g. Cancer

h. Eczema and Other Skin Problems

i. Dry Eyes, Poor Eyesight, and Other Vision Problems

j. Schizophrenia

3. A proven natural remedy for the following three conditions:

a. Hypertriglyceridemia

b. Cardiovascular disease prevention

c. High blood pressure

It is easy to find fish oil at a most herbal and nutritional food stores. Following are a few points that you need to keep in mind while purchasing fish oil:

· derived at low temperatures from cold and pristine water fish

· molecularly distilled and purified

· has a certificate of analysis

· rich in Omega3 fatty acids DHA and EPA

There are, however, a few risks associated with ingesting fish oil. Some of them are as follows:

· Higher risk of hemorrhagic stroke as a result of decline in the in the amount of time taken in blood to clot

· For those taking anticoagulants, bleeding disorders or high blood pressure

· Weakening of Immune System due to intake of large doses

· Increase in blood sugar levels due to large doses

· Nausea, diarrhea, gas, and a bad taste in the mouth

· Intake of 3 grams or more per day may increase the risk of bleeding

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Experienced to solve health related issues & problems, Expert dietitian & dietary, nutritional & vitamin supplement consultants for more information visit here: http://www.seacod.com