Losing a loved one is among the hardest experiences imaginable and everyone grieves differently. It’s important, however, to eventually find ways to move on with your life. These methods can help you find connection and love after a loved one has passed on.

Give Yourself Time to Grieve

You should only start looking for love again when you are ready. The time frame will be different for different people, and that is okay. Only you can know when it will be time for you to move on and start looking for love again. Some people feel lost without companionship and will need someone in their lives again right away, while others may choose to never find someone else. Both needs, and everything in between, are valid and important. Give yourself time to grieve so you will be ready to move on when the time comes.

Avoid Making Comparisons

It’s going to be difficult not to compare someone new to your deceased loved one, but you must avoid doing so. Any new significant other is already going to feel, to some degree, as though they are existing in the shadow of the loved one you lost. Exacerbating that is only going to doom the relationship. You need to see and treat this new person as more than just a substitute for the person you lost. To do this, only bring up your experiences with your lost loved one infrequently. Focus instead on making new memories.

Seek Spiritual Guidance

Many people need spiritual guidance when a loved one passes on. They seek comfort, reassurance, to connect with their deceased loved one and find out what relationships the future has in store. Some people wish to do this through conventional religious practices while others may take a different approach, such as by contacting a psychic medium hotline . It is important to take whatever approach will help you through this difficult time, and it may be worth it to try something new.

Make an Effort to Go Out and Meet People

It can be difficult to get out and meet people when your life has been centered around one person for so long. But to find love and connection again, you will need to make an effort. Getting out and doing things you like is good for your mental health anyway, in addition to being a good method for meeting people who like the same things as you do. For example, you might meet someone through a book club or a tennis group.

Getting through grief and moving on is challenging and different for everyone. Do not hesitate to seek counseling or spiritual help if you need it. Always remember your lost loved one while still finding ways to move on with your life.

Author's Bio: 

Lizzie Weakley is a freelance writer from Columbus, Ohio. In her free time, she enjoys the outdoors and walks in the park with her husky, Snowball.