Ups and downs in life are a part of the human existence and cannot be avoided. The question is, are we going to lose our peace of mind and become unstable as we face these highs and lows on the roadway of life? Or is there another way?

If we let ourselves become affected by everything that comes our way in life, we will feel as if we are on a perpetual roller coaster. We will move from the heights of ecstasy to the depths of despair and back to ecstasy again from one moment to the next. These constant variations often lead to a sense of fear, anxiety , and panic because we never know what will happen next. Over time, this state of fear and anxiety becomes a part of our nature and we are not able to relax.

Since we do not seem to have much control over the ups and downs of life, how can we learn to live a life of peace and relaxation ?

In life, we have to remember that all things are transient. This knowledge can help us maintain a sense of balance when we face the highs and lows of life. When we become too ecstatic and happy, we need to remember that things will not always be that way, and we should not be disappointed or depressed when the happy times pass. When we become too depressed or unhappy, these four words can serve as a reminder to us that the pain is only temporary, and happy days will come again.

We can stay at an even keel through the storms and sunny days of life by finding a calm center. We can reach this still point through meditation and prayer. Within us are all the riches of divinity. We are not just the body and the mind, but the soul. The soul is filled with Light, love, and joy. Why? It is connected all the time with the source of divinity, the creative Power, which is also all Light, love, and joy.

The creative Power and the soul are made of the same essence. If we spend some time daily within the silence of our soul, we will be connected with a place of bliss. Then the outer circumstances of our life will not affect us. We will not be troubled by the temporary phases of life. We can learn to find a still center, filled with peace and balance, which will provide us with permanent happiness despite the outer variations of life.

Next time we face pain, remembering that all things will come to pass, will help us pass through the discomfort with more confidence and faith . It will remind us to find our still center of peace through meditation .

Next time we are in state of joy, remembering the transient nature of life will help us enjoy the moments and not grow depressed when they end. It will remind us that even if this joy ends and a hardship comes, other times of joy will one day return. It will remind us to find our still center of peace through meditation, for that provides lasting happiness .

Author's Bio: 

Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj speaks on finding inner peace through meditation.