Festival of the Imagination is a message for the unidentified person. It contains essentials for thoughts and teachings of our imagination also revealing the impact upon mind, and how it profoundly affects us. Included throughout this book is a system to aid in illuminating and activating so that the reader may unlock and begin to radiate their own unique energy signature.
This is the first time I am mentioning this... Whilst writing this book I completely zoned out. It can be likened to completely detaching from the physical self, a trance like state.
I was in a state of simply 'being', a non-cognizant state. I was unaware that I was in my office, in Queensland or on this globe for that matter. It was pure apprehended serenity. When I reconnected to my senses and moved back into a state of 'physical' I read what I had wrote and this was a profound and delightful surprise.
I realized all chapters I had typed, these messages, had been written automatically, unconsciously. I was unaware at the time because of the trance state and can say with much gratitude that this book was written by me and co-authored by the Universe!
Within everyone there contains a giant of possibilities. Everyone CAN see their ideas and desires come into fruition. And everyone CAN unlock their own unique energy signature.
IMAGINE… That you have just uncovered a mystery and the secrets contained within give you clarity and you say goodbye to confusion, frustration or hardship.
There is an easy formula in attaining your goals or desires in any or all areas of life you choose. Do you want success, good health, great relationships, laughter, love or simply a better tomorrow? You do not have to wait for this to unfold. You really can have, be, do what you choose, it exists and is awaiting your return.
Like magic, we CAN create the experiences we want, and it begins with re-discovering something that has been masked by patterns. When we understand the disguises, beacons, and the power of introspection we place ourselves in a position to reset our outcomes and bring into our experiences whatever we desire.The sleeping giant is our imagination and more importantly imagination IS a crucial ingredient to living the life we truly want when we know how it is used.
Festival of the Imagination is soon to be released: November 14th, 2016.
Termina Ashton a Transformational Leader, Speaker and Author uses her exponent knowledge of Energy, Quantum physics, the Law of Attraction, and ancient Wisdom including Introspection and Feng Shui to support individuals and organizations by increasing their success in financial situations, relationships, health or inspiration.
Termina also known as 'The Happy Magnet' has the uncanny ability to tilt the odds so the best will happen believes in navigating the changing world of experiences. As a Expansion Mentor, author and interior designer, her qualifications include design, architectural drafting, medicine and as a life coach. Termina loves to use her imagination and has gained the title ‘Master of Imagination’, she has used her skills to work on many residential and commercial projects, including an open design radio station, Fox Studios and a variety of set designs, where her own artwork was exhibited for TV and film.
Termina’s love of writing, helping others and bringing joy to them, inspired her to begin penning books and articles and she now lists self-help- human potential, children’s stories and Feng Shui among her titles. Her writing skills, particularly in the children’s literature genre, have seen her described as the Australian Enid Blyton.
Born in Melbourne, Australia she now resides with her family in Queensland where she lives a lifestyle of fun, joy and opportunities.
Termina Ashton was a successful architectural designer and draftsperson in Australia before shifting her focus to the Personal development/expansion and Human Potential.
Termina believes creativity is the source of advantage, and everybody has the good fortune of this ability. She joyfully adapts to and thrives in our fluctuating environments, transforming the unexpected into stepping stones for achievements and consistently innovates to create value. Termina has worked with many great minds including Bob Proctor, Peggy McColl and through many books, adds that seeking knowledge, self-improvement and possibilities through mentors and books is the greatest gift to ourselves. Termina credits self-actualization practices for her success and harmony in her life and her book, Festival of the Imagination, is one of her many non-fiction titles which explores this all-important subject.
Countdown to the Official Release of Festival of the Imagination: http://www.terminaashton.com/launch-countdown-festival-of-the-imaginatio...