Feng Shui is easy fun and one of the greatest stress relievers in the world. It can be your best friend if you are trying to develop a new lifestyle that reduces anxiety and stress while creating a calm more peaceful and prosperous life.

Basic Feng Shui principles are easy to learn and apply. While it really is a vast and sometimes complex subject based on the number of schools or philosophies being taught, there are some basic principles that never change. And, when applied to your life will help you find balance and prosperity .

Feng Shui is about the natural flow of energy in your surroundings and how you focus on what you want so you can attract it, not attract it or even send it away. It really is a very simple principle. Unclutter your surroundings, your thinking and your actions so you can make room for a flow of new good things to come to you. You cannot change your life and be more balance and prosperous unless you change yourself, your surroundings and thinking first.

The Compass school of Feng Shui is based on the natural flow of energy on planet earth. It respects not only the north-south polar and east-west rotational energy flow but also generally speaking the eight major directional points on the compass.

Each of the eight directions in Compass School Feng Shui is assigned appropriate life categories, values, elements, seasons of the year and events. Using the directions makes it very easy to understand how to improve your life. It also takes away much of the confusion created by the various schools of thought.

How the Eight Compass Directions Help You

The chart below gives you the category, the direction and number associated with the category and some of the things you can use to improve the flow of energy and balance in that category such as the rooms to focus on, the element to use and color. For example, if you are feeling down on your luck or not experiencing good fortune, find the south area of your living room and/or office and add something red, burn a candle regularly or put the number nine there or a collection of nine things.

Career, Life’s Journey, Spirituality (1)
NLiving room, Office
Water, black/blue

Knowledge, education (8)
NELiving room, bedroom*, office
Earth/Hills/caves, blue green

Health, birth, growth, new (3)
ELiving room, bedroom*, kitchen
Large wood, green

Wealth, prosperity (4)
Living room, Office
Small wood, light green/purple

Fame, fortune, luck (9)
SLiving room, office
Fire, red

Relationships (2)
SWLiving room, bedroom*
Earth, earth tones, terra cotta

Creativity , children (7)
Living room, office, bedroom*
Metal, gold

Helpful people, travel (6)
NWLiving room, office
Metal, silver/white

* only bedroom of person needing the enhancement

Yes, Feng Shui is a vast subject and can be studied for a lifetime without knowing it all. But working with a few basic principles such as uncluttering your surroundings and thinking and then applying the information above takes much of the confusion out of the process and allows you to focus on what is really important; creating balance and increasing prosperity .

© Pat Heydlauff, all rights reserved 2012

Author's Bio: 

Pat Heydlauff speaks from experience. She designs personal and office environments that promote work/life balance and increase prosperity. She is the author of Feng Shui, So Easy a Child Can Do It, and Selling Your Home with a Competitive Edge. She can be reached at 561-799-3443 or www.energy-by-design.com . Also visit her strictly business site www.engagetolead.com .