Hard work yields results, right? Well yes, but not always the results we desire. For many committed entrepreneurs , giving it their all, doesn’t always bring the revenues, team or happiness they want. Missing your target is frustrating; especially if you’re doing all the things you think that you should do.
Here are 3 of the mistakes that entrepreneurs make that lead to feast or famine revenues. See if any of it sounds familiar to you.
Mistake #1 - Lack of Focus or Niche
What problems might that lead to?
You may take a broad approach to your market which is likely to dilute your message. If you can’t form a compelling statement about why you’re different, your message will get missed.
You may be chasing customers who aren’t ready or aren’t right for you. If you haven’t identified why you’re different and who your ideal client is, you’re likely to be talking to the wrong people and wasting resources.
Mistake #2 - Not having a “go to” process for delivering your product or service
What problems might that lead to?
You may be selling anything that you can; just throwing it out there. What’s wrong with that? You’re not bringing your “A” game. Selling anything they want to buy is a sure fire way to NOT be offering your expertise. What you want, is to be able to sell what you’re fantastic at doing. People love experts and will pay for them.
Starting from scratch with each new customer. Taking precious time to restructure your deliverable each time.
Mistake #3 – Not being supported or accountable
What might this lead to?
Trying to do it all yourself. Because you believe that you don’t have the resources to get what you need, you keep trying to do it all yourself. Or, you may not have confidence in your team, so you do it yourself. In either case, you’re cutting yourself off at the knees and limiting the potential of your business.

Author's Bio: 

Karyn Pettigrew is an award winning intuitive business and professional consultant, author, motivational speaker, and teacher. She has inspired, refreshed and transformed dozens of businesses and thousands of lives through her consulting, coaching, training, speaking and media appearances. Taking a holistic approach, Karyn is moving businesses Beyond Blind Spots™. Her powerful books, The Invitation and I Quit and Choose Work That Aligns With My Soul, gained instant notoriety and her individual and group coaching programs help provide clarity and perspective to business owners and executives each day.

if you want to ignite excitement and unprecedented performance in your work, your business and your life — let’s get started! http://beyondblindspots.com/ to take Karyn's FREE assessment!