New forum for families, relationships and anyone who is interested in understanding themselves, chatting to others who are a sounding board and good listeners, swapping information and making friends. You will find it is easy to make friends here and be yourself, far easier than it is when you meet people face to face. You can hide behind your computer and if you wish you can choose not to reveal your name etc. so that it helps you to feel safer. If you are going through a difficult time you might get a lot of relief from sharing it but by also knowing it is strictly between you and the board and nobody will ever know who you really are. You can find it at .

What is it that people look for on such sites? It could be that they just want to spend a few hours relaxing, they enjoy reading, but with most of them they prefer to write and share their thoughts. If they have something on their mind they find it is good to share it and feel less alone with it. They might also benefit from having input from other people. Really you have the best of both worlds because it is quite intimate without the worries you have when you share intimacies with people you know in the real World. You might feel better not being able to meet the people and knowing it is safely confined to your computer.
When you talk to your family and friends you can never be sure that they are not passing on stuff that you tell them.
And once they have it can never be undone.

Family forum.

Author's Bio: 

Girls magazine, new and online. Enjoy a good read, women of all ages and types. .