Falling of a raw food diet can happen to anyone – for both people who are experienced and those who are new to the way of eating. It is something that just happens. There is no shame in it. Just get back on the raw food lifestyle and move forward. Don’t be so hard on yourself, there is no need beat yourself up over it.

I don’t like the word diet because Raw Food is not a diet , instead it is a lifestyle. And, since it is a lifestyle, it becomes a part of who you are. The choices you make will be like second nature to you. Oftentimes, you will no longer have to think twice about something because making healthy choices has become a part of your life. You feel great and want to continue feeling so.

Also, when you see it as a lifestyle, you acknowledge the fact that things are constantly changing and that you will not be able to control every single thing. Falling off it is a part of it and as said, it can happen to just about anyone. It is a journey, not a destination.

It can be very distressing when you do fall off the raw food lifestyle, but the important thing is that you move on. Just get back on and move forward. Beating yourself up is only going to make things worse. Learn from it, don’t judge it and figure out what changes you need to make. It is all a learning process and every stumble will only enrich the experience for you.

You may ask – is falling off raw foods common? Are there many others out there like me? Yes it is and yes there are. Many people who live by the raw food lifestyle have strayed from it once of twice or many more times. But, what separates those who have succeeded and those who have let defeat get the best of them is the willingness to move on. There will be times when you are down and falling off the diet is one of those times. But, you should not define yourself by how many times you get tempted out off the raw food plan, but instead define who you are by how many times you mustered the courage to get back on it.

It is important that you live in the present. There is no need to rehash what has happened in the past. You fell off. Accept it for what it is. Don’t try to add any negative color to it because when you do, you are only making it harder for yourself. Always keep in mind that the raw food lifestyle should be easy. Putting pressure on yourself will take away the pleasure that you get from eating healthy and being healthy. Enjoy it for what it is. Guilt and shame can sometimes do more damage.

There are no steadfast rules when it comes to this. When it comes to raw food, it is very important that you listen to your body. It will be your best guide when it comes to creating a successful raw food lifestyle We are all different. If you are in touch with your body, you can allow yourself to be happy. Love yourself and be the best you can be.

Author's Bio: 

Trained as a Raw Foods Chef and in Advanced EFT, plus a few other modalities and having been on the health path for many years came after struggling with disordered eating, the barrage of misinformation around diets and trying many different ways of eating.
Eating healthier, more raw, having a good relationship with food and yourself is not only the best way to live and be but also that this is the healthiest and simplest way of eating and being, I feel.
I also love to make healthy raw dishes and share them family and friends who can't believe it's raw.