Exposed aggregate concrete is a popular form of decorative flooring, consisting of a concrete base layer and an open-top layer. This modern form of concrete paving has received much appreciation from most homeowners and construction workers. Its versatility and beautiful finish give your outdoor space a rustic appearance and durability.

Compared with other types of paving (such as concrete or asphalt slabs), the laying of available aggregates is also relatively easy and cheaper. Due to their beauty and durability, available aggregates have become a popular choice for exposed concrete. In addition, it is fully customizable and straightforward to install. This makes it an affordable option for home decorating concrete. Read on to know furher how exposed aggregate concrete can benefit you in designing your house.

exposed aggregate concrete

Here Are Some Of The Advantages Of Using Exposed Aggregate Concrete

Mentioned below are some of the most noticeable and advantageous aspects of exposed aggregate concrete . This form of concrete flooring is very commonly used nowadays due to numerous reasons. Thus, you should pay close attention to the details and insights regarding this material.

The most vital advantages of exposed aggregate concrete are:

1.      It Is Suitable For All Designs

Do you want to try DIY? If so, then exposed aggregate concrete may be one of the best options for you to opt for.

2.       Resistance Power

If many cars are coming in and out of your house, this may be a good choice. It is made of stone and cement and is more durable than tile or wood.

3.      It Is A Durable Option

Compared with old concrete, exposed aggregate concrete is one of the most durable materials. This is because; it can withstand harsh conditions and heavyweight. This makes it ideal for family parking lots, garages, and driveways.

4.      It Has Low Maintenance

Another advantage of using exposed aggregate concrete is the process does not require any critical maintenance. If you use wood, you need to polish it to make it look excellent and scratch-resistant. This type of concrete does not need this polishing to maintain its beauty . It needs to be sealed after five years to keep it in good condition. Exposed aggregate concrete does not require everyday cleaning, and thus, the overall effort in maintaining the framework is deficient. This is why many contractors consider it as one of the most practical options.

5.      Exposed Aggregate Concrete Is A Very Inexpensive Option

Paving exposed aggregate concrete is a cheap option because of all the materials needed to complete the job. Moreover, the material can be easily purchased from nearby shops, which are also very competitive—lower price. Or, you can also use some materials that can be found on your website, such as B. Ordinary stone.

exposed aggregate concrete

6.      It Is A Very Reliable And Safe Option

You will be happy to know that exposed aggregate concrete is a non-slip surface, making walking safer than other available options. This surface is naturally rough, so accidents such as slipping or slipping can be prevented. In addition, since it is non-slip, your children can play in the driveway because they don't have to worry about getting injured.

7.      Exposed Aggregate Concrete Is Highly Customizable

Once you choose to add concrete to the view, you can customize the design to achieve the effect you want. In addition, there are a variety of textures and colours for you to choose the most suitable.


Compared to other surfaces, exposed aggregate concrete is one of the most durable and affordable . In addition, the well-positioned open core can be used for more than 40 years without apparent cracks or significant repairs. As a result, exposed aggregate is the preferred method for paving high-traffic areas such as driveways, terraces, and public spaces worldwide.

Author's Bio: 

Layla Flinn is a knowledgeable and qualified blogger. She adores blogging on many topics, like Home Improvement, Pet, Food, Automotive, Business, Health, Lifestyle etc.