Live Chat has been the talk of the town for a while now. You know everything about it from features, advantages to its functions. But you might not be well versed on how to use Live Chat for growing your company’s social media traffic. Customers have more options than ever when it comes to promoting the businesses they support. Live chatting and social media toolbars are one of the useful and effective ways to communicate with your customers.

Social toolbar— Live chat software has a social toolbar which is intended to link social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook directly into chat widgets. One of the simplest and most effective uses of the link is to put it at the end of your social media customer service replies. Customers also have the option of linking your company’s Facebook page directly from the chat widget.

Such options promote marketing very effortlessly and without any pressure, which you and your customers cherish and surely appreciate. Now you don’t have to pursue new expensive ways to promote the products and services of your company as chat widgets do the trick.

Integration Benefits — On Twitter, the social toolbar helps in bringing in more followers, let you share important and informational posts and contents with the world, refine the range of your marketing skills and in the enhancement of interaction with potential customers.

On Facebook, social toolbar helps in getting more likes, in knowing the customer’s desires by giving you their info which helps in sprouting your services and builds the trust between you and your customers and supplementing the Facebook app.

Further Benefits: Live chat also supports the growth of your conversion rate. The main reasons customers go to the other companies because of the confused and complicated process which makes them shoo away. Live chat, on the other hand, provide instant assistance to the customers as they dig the company’s website desperately in search of help. This makes customers satisfied which has a positive overall impact and a great review on social media.

Promote your company business by advancing your social traffic with the power of live chat and witness your roaring success.

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