A certain method that you could take to tighten the belt would be to put a limit on television viewing. Less exposure will cut susceptibility to advertising that browbeat you to throwing away hard earned money.

Purchasing gifts for birthdays, Christmas and other occasions can assault your finances. You can make gifts like uncooked cake ingredients in fancy jars, make candles, cookies or other simple crafts and save money. The individual approach shown by giving a homemade gift is more appreciated also by the recipient. Put a special note in with the present and you have a great gift! Even a refreshing design on a personalized check recons up a pleasant nudge, and no one knows that you purchased them at fifty percent off..

Clean out your attic and basement and put on a yard sale with the items you are through with. You can put your things with your neighbor's and put on a neighborhood garage sale to bring in more customers. You can even bring your things to a second hand store and get a nifty tax break. You will feel loads better getting rid of things and you will make a little cash also.

Make a large batch of your favorite dinner and divide into several servings and freeze. Instead of eating out in fast food restaurants, simply defreeze your portions you've already made and put them in the oven. This allows you to sock away money and time as long as you allow time for the cooking time in the oven.

Remind yourself to shut off the lights that you are not using in your home. A kilowatt hour of electrical energy costs $.10 per kWh with the average light bulb using 20 watts. If you turn off five light bulbs for a period of two hours, you will save yourself 10 cents. That doesn't sound like a lot of money saved, but in a year's time, you will have salvaged nearly $40.

An additional way to save some dough is to rent DVDs, videotapes or books from you library. Also, you can exchange different media with friends and neighbors. There are also online resources whereby you can swap books and DVDs with conclaves.

A healthy way to save money is to grow your own tomatoes. They are suitable all-around for many dishes including soups and salads. You can decorate a spackle bucket and take the seeds of a store bought tomatoes and plant them. After they grow into a seedling, you can transplant them outside if you have any space. Groundhogs are not partial tomatoes, so your crop should be unmolested.

Garage and yard are a great source of finding something at a nominal price. Often the yard sales in your neck of the woods. You can find great bargains no doubt. And if you find a large number of items to purchase from one seller, negotiate for a lower price. Bear in mind, at the end of the day, the seller wants to get rid of their stuff, so offer a lower price. A lot of garage sale items end up in the Salvation Army the following day and you will be giving the owner a favor by offering any kind of price.

Final but not least, don't neglect to buy personalized checks online. You will save 50% when you order checks online and get much more choices than any bank could potentially deliver when it comes to designs and styles.

Save an extra 50%should you order checks online at Checkshome.com. Not only do you receive equal or better quality, you receive a much wider selection of groupings and styles to choose from.

Author's Bio: 

This published writer is dedicated helping and informing readers on the Internet in their quest.