Adding a hot tub to your living space can actually be a fairly simple process. You'll need a flat surface, a 120V 15 amp supply line, and a water source for most portable hot tubs. Of course, these units will also be soft-sided, so you'll want to prepare to protect your investment.

Location is Critical

Even a lightweight hot tub is going to be quite heavy once it's loaded with water. This pressure, if the site is not properly prepared, you will damage the exterior of the tub once it's full.

In addition to settling your portable hot tub down on a level, stable surface , make sure that you are within easy access of your power source. Review the manufacturer's instructions to make sure that you are plugging in correctly, that you're not trying to power your hot tub water movement pumps with an unsafe connection.

Finally, once you've got your portable hot tub sited, plug it in and get inside the tub, pushing on the edges to make sure that once your tub is full, the natural flare of the sides aren't

  • pressing against a wall
  • impeding your access to the outlet
  • tilting because your base isn't as level as you thought

Once your tub is full, moving it will require a complete drain of all the water, so be sure before you start filling it.

Create a Base

If you don't have concrete, you can use gravel for the base as long as the gravel pieces are rounded. Finally, you can create a platform of 4 x 4 posts topped joists of 2 x 6. However, a wooden platform will need a smooth top to avoid puncturing or stressing the bottom of your hot tub.

Whatever you do, make sure that you set your tub up with an eye toward attaching the drain line and routing the water away from the site when you're ready to drain the tub. The water will leave the tub with quite a bit of force, and if it swirls down under your deck or ends up in your crawlspace, you're at risk of growing mold under your home.

Pay as much attention to the drain routing as you did to the siting for water and electrical. If you wind up emptying your tub every season, doing this right the first time will save you many headaches.

Wire With a Professional

Depending on how your portable hot tub is supposed to be wired, you can either plug it in or you can wire it directly. Generally, portable tubs don't need to be wired, such as the Softub Spa collection .

If your tub does need to be hard-wired to your house, hire a professional. Of all the dangerous combinations that you can face in this world, live electrical wires and a tub full of water is about as bad as it gets.

Once you have your electrician on-site, make absolutely sure that the breaker for your hot tub is carefully marked and easily accessible. Your fuse box should always be easily accessible, so this is a good time to make sure that the path is clear and that the fuses are well marked.

Chemical Management

You'll need to check the pH of your tub every 24 hours to keep it between 7.4 and 7.6, and even if you're not using it on a daily basis, you'll want to avoid leaving it to sit. Excess acidity or a too base mixture can cause skin irritation and lead to tub damage. Additionally, excess calcium can be very hard on the tub components.

If you're using chlorine or another cleaning agent, check the tub every 48 hours to make sure this cleaning product is dissolving properly. Bacteria just love warmth and water, so these cleaning agents are critical to keeping your tub in good shape. Finally, make sure that your hot tub has a cover to keep out leaves, debris, dust, and birds or bird droppings.

Your portable hot tub can be an ideal spot for you to enjoy a soak and some privacy or a wonderful area to invite family and friends. Once it's sited, filled, and running, this addition to your home can quickly turn into the gathering spot, no matter the temps outside.

Author's Bio: 

Katie earned a BA in English from WWU and loves to write. She also adores hiking in redwood forests and photography. She feels happiest around a campfire surrounded by friends and family.