Laparoscopy surgery is a kind of diagnostic or surgical process that allows the doctors to observe closely the organs in the abdomen and reproductive organs. Laparoscopy gets its name from the laparoscope, a small tube with a light source and camera that shows the image of an internal organ on a television monitor. The process enables surgeons to diagnose medical situations, conduct biopsies, and even remove damaged organs without creating any large incisions in the skin. 

Over the past few years, laparoscopy has gained huge traction over conventional open surgery due to its painless process, shorter stay in the hospital, quick recovery, and minimal bleeding. However, the experience of laparoscopy depends on the condition, patient expectation, healing time, pain tolerance, and duration of surgery. If you plan to undergo this, then it is advisable to consider laparoscopic surgery costs in Delhi . In this blog, we will dive into and get a detailed guide about laparoscopy surgery. 

What is Laparoscopy Surgery?

Laparoscopy surgery is a slightly invasive surgery inside the body that includes minor cuts or incisions that are half an inch in length. So, due to its small incision, it is also called keyhole surgery. In the operation, the surgeon gets access to the abdomen and pelvis without creating any big cuts. The surgery is undertaken to diagnose various conditions that are developed inside the abdomen or pelvis; besides that, it is also used for surgical processes like removing a tissue sample for biopsy or removing diseased organs. 

What Surgical Procedures are done Laparoscopically?

Currently, laparoscopic surgery is a suitable option for many routine processes. The degree to which the disease is complex will decide if you need laparoscopic surgery. However, for treating some complex illnesses, open surgery is necessary. Due to its benefits in terms of better patient outcomes and cost savings, laparoscopic surgery is highly used as the normal process for various routine processes. The list includes:

  • Endometriosis surgery

  • Cyst, polyp, and fibroid removals

  • Hysterectomy

  • Blocked fallopian tubes

  • Biopsies

  • Tubal ligation and reversal

  • Buildups of scar tissue

  • Other abnormalities of the reproductive system.

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Procedure for Laparoscopy Surgery 

  • Before the Surgery

Once you are in the admitting room, you are given anesthesia medicines placed in your IV. This medication will control pain, put you to sleep, and paralyze your muscles. During the surgery, the doctor will place a tube placed into the throat for breathing assistance, and you might have a urinary catheter placed for collecting urine. The abdomen or pelvis will be attired with a surgical drape, and the skin area where your incision will be placed will be exposed. After that, the skin will be cleaned with a disinfectant solution to prepare for surgery. 

  • During the Surgery 

In order to make sure you are comfortable throughout the procedure and can sleep through it, general anesthesia will be administered via the IV line. In addition, an anesthesiologist can assess your oxygen and heart rate, give you specialized medication, and hydrate you with fluids through an IV. After completing the necessary procedures for a laparoscopy, an abdominal incision is made to place a cannula. Then, carbon dioxide gas is inflated into your abdomen with the cannula's assistance. Your doctor will be able to see your abdominal organs more clearly with this gas.

Through this incision, the laparoscope is inserted by your surgeon. The monitor screen now shows your organs. This is so that the images are projected onto a screen via the laparoscope's associated camera. If a laparoscopy is needed at this point, your surgeon will make the diagnosis. However, if the surgery is performed to treat any kind of illness, your physician might perform more incisions (about 1-4 within 2-4 cm). This will allow the surgeon to do the therapy procedure with more instruments inserted. Your incisions will be sewn up and bandaged after the procedure is finished, and the instruments that were placed will be removed.

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  • After the Surgery

The patient needs to keep close under observation. Meanwhile, the oxygen level, blood pressure, and pulse rate will be checked, and tests will be taken. After you wake and if there is no complication, you will be discharged from the hospital. At home, you will be required to keep the incision clean and dry. For that, you need to follow instructions about bathing received from the doctor. 


One popular method for reducing the size of surgical incisions and speeding up healing is laparoscopic surgery. The risk of operative or postoperative complications is not always lower with this surgical technique, and if problems develop during surgery, an open surgery conversion may be required. Regarding the optimal surgical strategy for maximizing your recovery under your particular circumstances, your surgeon will provide you with advice.   

Author's Bio: 

Dr. Sowjanya Aggarwal is one of the best IVF Doctors in Delhi, with a Professional experience of over 15 years in Clinical Practice. Following her post-graduation in Obstetrics & Gynaecology, she underwent specialized training/fellowship in Minimal Access Gynae Surgery & Reproductive medicine (IVF) from reputed institutes in Cochin( Kerala).