I believe in dreaming. It is a very valuable thing to do. Why? You can actually manifest results for yourself. But, alas, there are some shortcomings with only doing this.

Action must take place. Even for a manifestation to work. Dreaming and manifesting will not do it. It would be nice if it were so, but it simply is not.

On top of that, it seems that many people are concerned overly much about being mistake free. Lots of people plan instead.

No effort towards the goal means no real results. Sitting and thinking does have its rightful place. It is not useless.

Electronics and its digital world is a contributor. It has as much bad as good.

A sub captain in the second World War had to be very careful. He had to aim his entire sub to hit the target. Premature action was deadly for him. He could not guide the topedo. It acted just like a bullet from rifle. Alignment was vital. If he did not, the torpedo would miss.

If that were the case with you, you would need to behave the same way.

Today a torpedo acts a lot differently. It has an internal guidance system.

A major plus. Now, the captain can almost fire and forget. He does not need to be extra careful about aiming before he fires. There is very little time for him. He has to act.

The captain must fire quickly and guide the missile afterwards. He faced dire consequences for inaction.

What a contrast. During the second world war, fast action was death . Today slow action is death . So what's the difference? Quick action in WW2 meant a likely miss. After the miss, they knew right where you were and you were pretty defenseless. Not a good situation at all.

Today's captain has exactly the opposite situation. He must fire now. So what's the difference? Delay will give time to the enemy to find him. Much too deadly to wait. Too deadly to plan, plot and ponder the situation.

Sadly, far too many of today's business people use the WW2 tactic. They do not seem to realize that if they wait to act, it could be too late.

Today we live in a much faster world. Like the moderm sub captain. Thankfully not actually live threatening, but dangerous nonetheless. It is fast, fast fast.

Today, you must act fast. After you have taken action, you can make course corrections. Planning, pondering and plotting away will cost too much time.

I often discuss this issue. Her employee was doing far too much planning and far to little executing. Nothing was getting done. The employee was waiting for the right moment. Results would "come later."

I remembered a story and told here about a young deer hunter. When he returned just after dark he brought back a small rabbit. It turns out, he could not find a deer in the woods. So, rather than return empty handed he shot a rabbit.

They had a dinner. They did not get a story about a fruitless hunt.

Too many people deliver a story instead of a meal.

Author's Bio: 

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