Over the years email marketing has evolved based on the wants, needs and actions of the audience. Companies were abusing their client base and spamming them with an overload of emails, and still today there is a huge amount of spam.
As a result various spam filters and controls have been adopted filtering out obvious spam emails, but at the same time placing some good emails into trash boxes. So it is important to check your trash and delete boxes once in a while to ensure no good emails have arrived there before you delete all the spam emails.
Now there has been a resurgence of email marketing and as long as you don't overdo it then your clients will accept your emails. Email can be an excellent form of communication and even the legal system accepts emails as legal documents these days. For my own business as a Travel Agency all our business can now be done through email... including ticketing. It's much easier to communicate via email than by having to go into a Travel Agency each time you want to communicate on your travel plans.
Check out these 4 tips on email marketing that will help your company become more successful with your email marketing.
Keep your Emails them short and simple.People do not want to read lengthy emails, just as they don't want to read long articles. Choose your topic and then write on the topic as quickly and concisely as possible. This will get your point across quickly and keep the attention of your potential clients and will make them more likely to open your future emails.
Don't overload their Email BoxesThere are many companies that feel the best way to get their message across is to flood their database with email after email. Don't do it. This fills up their boxes and will encourage them to treat your emails as junk mail so that future emails from you don't reach them. Or they will just delete your emails without opening them.
Email to your client base sparingly. If you contact your list less often with valuable information then they will look forward to your emails and open them each time.
Give Valuable Content or InformationThe audience receiving your emails has to have a reason to open and read them. They need to get something out of your email whether it's information they need, something they can learn or a sale or offer.
Remember the AIDA formula
1. Attention - this would be your subject line, and has to be strong to make them want to open the email
2. Interest - what is it in your email that will interest them, offer them value and will get them to want to read it.
3. Desire – what is it in your email that will create the desire for them to take action and last but not least
4. Action – what is your call to action, and have you made it easy for them to take the next step.
Think about the emails that you will send out, put yourself in the position of the reader and think about what your email is offering them. Would you open it? Would you read it all? Would it trigger you to take action? Don't send the email if you can't answer these questions.
Know your DemographicsKnow your audience. If you have a business then you will have a good idea of the audience you are targeting. If you are just starting out determining who your clients will be is an important part of your business plan. Either way you need to know and understand who you are marketing to.
Once you have determined your audience then you need to communicate with them on their level. The more you understand the person you are writing to the easier it will be to connect with them. Connecting with people and building relationships whether in person or online is key to building your business. They need to feel they like and can trust you before they will want to do business with you. This is so important to the future of your business as we all like to do business with people we have built relationships with.
Finally think about your whole emailing strategy – what you want to say, how you are going to say it, are you giving them anything of value, are you targeting the right market, and what is going to get your audience to read your emails and take action. If you do this they will read your emails, listen to what you say and bring you sales.
I have always believed in the philosophy that if you going to do a job do it well or not at all. This caused jealousy and discomfort in the workplace with other employees feeling that I was trying to take their job or worse trying to make them look bad by my going the extra mile. That wasn't the case but it really got me determined to work for myself.
I decided I enough with the office politics and determined to become an Entrepreneur. For over 35 consecutive years now I have been self-employed selling everything from soup to nuts including Real Estate, Finances and Insurance just to mention a few.
Avril with JT Foxx & Raymond Aaron two of the world's top coaches & my MentorsI had a Sub Shop and Deli in a downtown Calgary Mall, set up the Glenora Inn and Distillery (the only single malt Whiskey Distillery in North America) for a group of investors, and opened my own 41/2 Star Country Inn and Taste of Nova Scotia Restaurant in Nova Scotia and for the last 15 years have owned 3 Travel Agencies, two retail shop front and the other has been an online agency for 15 years.
I have expertize and experience with both offline and online businesses to pass on to you.
For more information on growing a successful business check out
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