Body builders and fitness enthusiasts have been a fan of whey for many years. Now, many are discovering the benefits of using Whey Protein to lose weight. Some people even boast of it as something of a weight loss miracle. So why is this protein so effective in reducing body fat?

First of all, you should realize that proteins are extremely important in many aspects for overall health. They are responsible for building, maintaining, and/or strengthening organs, muscles, tissues, the immune system, and more. But not all protein is the same. Those from animal sources often contain too much fat and cholesterol. The proteins from vegetable sources are often lacking in some essential amino acids–which makes them incomplete in providing what our bodies require.

Whey protein is not only complete, because it contains all of the essential amino acids, but it also contains little, if any, fat or cholesterol. It is also more easily digested and absorbed by the body than any other protein.

Let’s take a look at what this does for those wanting to lose weight:

Appetite Suppressant - Protein stimulates the release of a number of hormones in our systems that are responsible for appetite. Whey protein is especially powerful for increasing the hunger-controlling hormones so you feel full longer.

Building Muscle & Burning Fat - Whey Protein is rich in the amino acid leucine, which is especially supportive for the building of healthy muscle tissue. Leucine also prevents muscle loss while losing weight, which is common in high protein/low carb diets. Active and healthy muscles increase your metabolism which burns more fat–with just five pounds of muscle burning an extra 250 calories a day.

Stops Fat Cell Growth - Researchers have found that whey is effective in blocking the enzymes in our systems that trigger fat cell growth. Additionally, because whey is rich in calcium, it also is powerful for restraining the hormones that also activate fat cell growth. Therefore, a healthy diet containing whey protein is ideal for preventing fat storage in the first place.

Stabilizes Blood Sugar - Because protein is a great source for stabilizing blood sugar levels, less blood sugar hormones are produced. This is yet another way to block fat storage.

Benefits of whey protein

Whey protein is one of the two major proteins found in milk, the other being casein. It's one of the most popular sources of protein with athletes and gym users wanting to burn fat and build muscle, and with very good reason.

• A typical serving of Whey Protein contains the same amount of protein found in a chicken breast, but is also very low in both fat and carbohydrate.

• A naturally complete protein, whey is often referred to as a "fast" protein for its ability to provide rapid nourishment to muscles.

• Whey protein has a higher biological value than many foods, including fish, beef and soya. This means that more of the protein is actually used by your body.

• Whey protein contains high levels of essential amino acids and BCAAs, both of which play a vital role in fuelling muscle growth.

• Whey protein is also naturally high in the amino acids glutamine and leucine, which help with muscle repair and recovery after a tough workout.

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Established in 1997 in the UK, LA Muscle is a British company and one of the World's leading manufacturers of sports supplements with headquarters in 4 continents, supplying over 100 countries around the world.