“Life is too short to be small.” Benjamin Disraeli

You've retired or are just on the verge. That's great. You worked hard for many years and you certainly deserve big congratulations and job well done!

The Next Stage

You're about to enter a whole new stage of your life - one that could be your best ever. But what will it look like and what will you do to fill your time?

If you spent your working years as a salaried worker, you probably couldn't wait to retire. You knew almost exactly to the day when you were going to retire and started counting down the days a year in advance. Plus, you maybe knew how you were going to spend those golden years - golfing, shooting photos and traveling perhaps.

However, I have seen that people, who were in business for themselves, including myself, tend to have a different view of retirement . Some almost have to be dragged kicking and screaming into it. And they often have a harder time filling their days - because they've spent years being consumed by a "job" they loved but that no longer exists.

Supplemental Income?

If you're like most retirees, you're living on a fixed income. This might consist of Social Security, a pension, a 401K, RRSP’s, CPP, other savings or a combination of these. If this is the case, you may eventually be in for a shock. The cost of living gets higher every year but your fixed income may not be able to keep up with it. Or you just may want something to do to fill your days that also generates extra income.

If you find yourself in the throes of needing some additional income, or some suggestions for intriguing, challenging work, read on.

Author's Bio: 

As a recent retiree, Bart Rutherford found himself asking those same questions, and that lead him on a search for opportunity. This information is the result of that search.

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