Prostatitis is a kind of disease. It is like a feeling of toothache. Although it is not fatal, it often breaks out for a while, and it will make people's patience gradually exhausted. Moreover, it has a significant influence on the development of sexual organs. Therefore, treatment is needed as soon as possible.

In the early stage of prostatitis detection, antibiotics can be tried for short-term treatment. If there is no improvement, you should give up. Long term use of antibiotics will destroy the balance of bacteria in the body, but it is easy to aggravate symptoms and lead to chronic prostatitis. Herbal medicine Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill of Dr. Lee Xiaoping's TCM Clinic can treat chronic prostatitis without recurrence and side effects. Meanwhile, it can not only eliminate the symptoms but also cure the condition from its root causes.

In addition to active treatment, when suffering from prostatitis, people can also drink appropriate tea that is very helpful for the recovery of the disease. Patients can drink tea according to their situation. What kind of tea is useful for prostatitis?

1. Green tea

Green tea is sweet, bitter and slightly cold. The main components of tea are caffeine, tea polyphenols, protein, amino acids, sugars, vitamins, lipids, organic acids and other organic compounds, as well as 28 inorganic nutrients such as potassium, sodium, magnesium and copper.Green tea has diuretic, refreshing, fatigue, digestion, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects. Moderate drinking of green tea has a particular health effect on prostatitis.

2. Dandelion tea

Dandelion contains proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, trace elements and other nutrients, which has a good health care effect for patients with prostatitis. Moreover, dandelion has diuretic, laxative, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effects. Prostatitis patients can drink some dandelion tea adjuvant treatment.

3. Corn silk tea

Corn silk is the channel for corn to absorb nutrition . In fact, there are many nutrients needed by the human body in corn silk, which can promote diuresis, reduce blood pressure, and have a good antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. Men should drink a cup of corn silk tea every day, which can prevent and treat prostate diseases.

4. Honeysuckle tea

Honeysuckle tea has the effect of clearing away heat and detoxification. After patients are ready to rinse with the appropriate amount of honeysuckle, use hot water for brewing, and persist for about five days, the symptoms of swelling, swelling and pain in patients with prostatitis can be relieved.

5. Plantain tea

Plantain has the effect of detoxification and diuresis. Prostate patients can drink some plantain tea appropriately, which can help relieve urinary tract irritation symptoms.

6. Bamboo leaf tea

Patients with prostatitis can make tea with bamboo leaves, Yuzhu, chrysanthemum and hawthorn. This tea has the effect of clearing away heat and removing dampness.

7. Tangerine peel tea

Wash the dried tangerine peel and put it in a cup. Soak it in boiling water for a while and then drink it. This kind of tea has the effect of invigorating spleen and appetizing, especially suitable for patients with chronic prostatitis.

For men, the prostate is essential, so we need to protect it. Men should drink more water and urinate more, because a high concentration of urine will stimulate the prostate, and drinking more water can dilute blood and urine.

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