Lymphatic drainage massage is developed for the stimulation of the lymphatic system to eliminate the upsurge of toxins and excess fluids in our body’s cell. It is a widely-used cellulite treatment technique that be manually or mechanically performed.

The Lymphatic SystemOur lymphatic system is in-charge in controlling the immune system and flushing out toxins out from the body. It is made up of vast and complex framework of vessels and ducts that helps in the flow of a special fluid necessary for our body’s waste elimination and virus removal.

Cellulite and the Lymphatic SystemCells underneath the skin’s surface receive fresh blood free from toxins and wastes from the blood vessels. It is the lymphatic system that is responsible for detoxifying the blood before passes through various cells in the body. When a specific lymph node is blocked, the toxins and wastes that are on its way out from the body may get trapped in certain areas, and begin to buildup.

In areas that are prone to cellulite, the amount of oxygen and nutrients flowing to the connective tissue that holds the fat cells down will deplete in parallel to poor blood circulation. This will result to the hardening and thickening of the connective tissue causing localized pulling on the skin above, while the fat, toxins, and fluid accumulated underneath pushes upward. The aggregate result of all these is the distinct cottage cheese or orange peel appearance of the skin.

Lymphatic Drainage Massage
Dr Emil Vodder, a French physician developed this cellulite treatment massage in the 1930s. Its main objective is to promote the elimination of waste and toxin buildup by applying gentle pressure strokes on the cellulite affected area. The heat and specialized strokes from this cellulite treatment improves blood flow and lymphatic drainage so the accumulated wastes and toxins are excreted naturally. This expulsion will help in the softening of the connective tissue, and ultimately, get rid of cellulite prominence on the surface of the skin.

It is observed that a trained therapist’s manual administration of the massage can produce best results compared to performing the cellulite treatment yourself.

Specially designed hand-held devices are also available in the market and cosmetic clinics that utilizes the power of suction. An example of this is the Tri-Active cellulite treatment system.

Alternative Lymphatic Drainage TechniquesThere are other ways to effectively get rid of cellulite through the stimulation of lymphatic drainage. An example of this is Pressotherapy. This natural remedy for cellulite involves wrapping inflatable cushioned pads around the leg. The inflation and deflation of the pads will also stimulate lymphatic drainage, but its efficacy is lesser compared to massage.

Other ways of to get rid of cellulite by the removal of toxins from the body are colon cleansing, incorporating fresh and raw foods in one’s dietary plan, learning deep breathing techniques, exercising regularly, drinking adequate amount of water, acupuncture , avoiding clothing that restricts blood flow, and visiting the sauna on a regular basis.

In the fight against cellulite, the best way to remove the unsightly dimples is by uprooting its underlying toxic cause. In the long run, a fortified lymphatic system is not only beneficial to get rid of cellulite; it will also help in protecting the body from more serious infirmities.

Author's Bio: 

Cellulite may be a seemingly undefeatable flaw, but there is a cellulite treatment technique that can combat it from within. Learn how Lymphatic Drainage Massage will eliminate one of the three substances that make up cellulite -- toxins.