Whiteboard presentations for selling are rocking the business world. Audiences expect to be simultaneously engaged, entertained and excited. Are you using all of these 7 opportunities to get ahead?

If you are selling a terrific solution but settling for less than this, step back and ask: why should any one listen to you?

Next time you prepare a sales presentation, let your curiosity run wild. Challenge yourself to build interactive conversation at the whiteboard at the core of your sales presentation.

Just to clarify: you can use a traditional dry erase board, or an interactive whiteboard. This is a technology, availability and tools question. The kind of full-tilt energetic discussion that ensues is not tool-dependent.

Select from these options to develop your sales presentation skills at the whiteboard.

Opening and LogisticsOpen with a bang. Show compelling facts, questions and statistics on a whiteboard. Use the board to agree on presentation logistics such as time, agenda, breaks and ground rules.

Building RelationshipsWhiteboard conversations encourage participation. Your courage and commitment to communicate authentically builds rapport. Trust grows. Instead of giving a routine slide pitch, you’re building relationships. One whiteboard at a time.

Interactive QuestioningExpert sales presenters are confident in responding to ‘impromptu questions.’ How can you achieve this level of poise at the whiteboard? Practice with peers and your coach. Work through the questions you anticipate. Hint: be sure to practice responses to the questions you hope and pray no one will ask.

Handling ObjectionsProfessional poise and skill come to the foreground when the client objects. Whiteboard interactions are one of the fastest and most flexible ways to welcome objections instead of cringing when they appear. It is often said that true skill in selling is marked by your ability to respond to objections.

Hint: watch your attitude about objections. By welcoming objections, you’ll build an inner strength that is unshakable. Plus, you’ll expand valuable knowledge to anticipate and skillfully respond to objections in the future.

Unique Selling PropositionPerhaps your organization has another term for Unique Selling Proposition, or USP. Value proposition. Value contract. Compelling proposition. Whatever you call it, this is the key compelling value you provide to your clients.

By listening, engaging, and actively collaborating with clients, you’re modeling much more than skill at the whiteboard. You’re living and modeling your USP.

Demonstrating Product KnowledgeWhile some sales professionals rely on brochures, printed fact sheets and whitepapers, you know how to simplify complex concepts. This is extremely valuable to busy decision makers. They don’t want to wade through a corporate brief or brochure.

They want you to show them, step-by-step in simple terms anyone can understand, the value of your products and services. When you can do this in a quick whiteboard story, you can expect your productivity to soar.

Winning Competitive EdgeWant the fastest route to gain competitive ground? Sell interactively at the whiteboard. Present your solutions. Sketch out discussions. Solve problems and trouble shoot. Your skill at the whiteboard demonstrates that you truly care and are committed to your client’s objectives.

You’re not just relying on a presentation from the corporate office. You’re out there in front, relating without artifice. This spontaneous engagement builds instant bridges to your clients. The competition won’t be able to catch up—no matter how polished their presentations, or how big their budgets.

Skill. Poise. Interaction. Facilitation. Communication. Uniqueness. Hey, looks like a formula for success, doesn’t it? That’s just a few of the compelling reasons to jump in. Ready to discover how to interact, sell, and win at the whiteboard?

Author's Bio: 

Milly Sonneman is a recognized expert in visual language. She is the co-director of Presentation Storyboarding, a leading presentation training firm, and author of the popular guides: Beyond Words and Rainmaker Stories available on Amazon. Milly helps business professionals give winning presentations, through Email Marketing skills trainings at Presentation Storyboarding. You can find out more about our courses or contact Milly through our website at: http://www.presentationstoryboarding.com/