This may sound crazy, but if you really take the time to listen and to feel, you’ll find that Yes, your body is indeed talking to you. Think about it. What do all those aches, pains and tiredness at the end of a long hard day mean? It means that you have most probably exerted yourself too much. What about your emotions and your mental state? We all get the blues. We all get depressed for one reason or another. What about headaches, aches or upset stomach? These are all ways that your body is using to tell you that something is wrong.

Does your diet have anything to do with it?

Well, if your diet is a big factor in health conditions like obesity , hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, and other diseases, why wouldn’t it have anything to do with how you feel?

What we do to ourselves is going to reflect on how we are on the outside as well as on the inside. For example, if you keep depriving yourself of sleep, you are going to see the effects of it. The same thing goes with what you eat and with what you put into your body.

If we just slow down, even for a bit, we will be able to listen to what our body is telling us. Your body may tell you something that you don’t necessarily want to hear. It could tell you that it you should cut back on eating something that you may love to eat, but is not really good for you. Your body could also bring to light the fact that the path you are in right now is not the right one nor is it the path that will lead to a better life.

More often than not, we may already be aware of the things that our body is telling us.

You know that late nights and diet of nothing but fast food and greasy take out is not good for you, but you still keep at it. You keep on doing it because you don’t know any better. It could also be because you are scared that changing things may be too difficult or that it could take too much out of you.

Listen to what your body has to say and use it as an opportunity for change. If you are feeling tired all the time, make it a point to sleep more hours and decrease the stress in your life. You should eat better as well.

Do your body some good by giving raw food a chance. Take the greasy fast food off your meal plan and increase your intake of fruits and veggies. Instead of sodium-loaded french fries, you can grab an apple or you could take a handful of nuts. Not only will it be healthy for you, they taste great too.

Examine yourself today and assess if you are getting the proper nutrition , rest, good water, enough sunlight, love and laughter in your life. If not, then make the changes necessary for a happier, healthier, and more fulfilled life, because you do deserve it!

Author's Bio: 

Trained as a Raw Foods Chef and in Advanced EFT, plus a few other modalities and having been on the health path for many years came after struggling with disordered eating, the barrage of misinformation around diets and trying many different ways of eating.
Eating healthier, more raw, having a good relationship with food and yourself is not only the best way to live and be but also that this is the healthiest and simplest way of eating and being, I feel.
I also love to make healthy raw dishes and share them family and friends who can't believe it's raw.